𝕿𝖊𝖓- 𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖞

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Will froze both mentally and physically.

Was Hannibal being serious about this? He had a faint hope that Hannibal was joking, and didn't mean what he just said. 

Was he in love with a murderer? 

Will took his head off of Hannibal and looked deep into his eyes, his voice broke as he spoke. 

"Please tell me you're joking." 

"I'm so sorry Will, I really wish that I was." 

Hannibal felt a weight come off his shoulders, which was soon replaced with a feeling of panic as Will lifted himself off of the couch. It seemed as though his world had stopped turning. 

The temporary agent paced around the room silently, with a look of grave concern on his face. He looked at Hannibal occasionally, and he knew that his unnerving silence was scaring him. 

"Were you planning to eat me as well, like you did to the others?" 

"No. I wouldn't dream of it."

Will couldn't stop the shaking in his hands as the gravity of this situation fell onto him like a ton of bricks. In a last attempt to get him to sit back down, Hannibal uttered a phrase he never thought he ever would. 

"I truly love you though Will. No matter you decide to do with your new-found information."

Those words nearly broke Will, and he had never felt so conflicted in his life.

He felt as though he needed to tell Jack, the criminal that had been evading capture for the past age was right here in Baltimore, and he'd had dinner with him on multiple occasions, but in the same sense, he liked what he had with Hannibal and he needed him in his life as a partner and someone he could trust. He needed to stay on Hannibal's good side.

His empathy also put himself into a sticky situation. The position of having himself spill something like that onto someone else, burdening them with the curse of knowledge.

Every decision was painful for Will, but strangely enough, his feelings for Hannibal never faltered 

"I'll keep your secret, Hannibal."

"I knew I could trust you Will." Hannibal uttered with a smile as he motioned for Will to take a seat on the couch again.

Will took a seat bedside Hannibal and forced a smile onto his lips.


Thinking about the Chesapeake Ripper kept Jack Crawford up at night. He knew he should be sleeping for the sake of his work at the FBI, but something wouldn't leave him alone about it. 

He kept having this feeling that he's met the Ripper, held a conversation even. 

Bella always told him to go to sleep and brush it off, but it irked him to know that he couldn't act on this feeling of knowing the Ripper personally.

Another thing he couldn't shake was the idea that Will was somehow connected to, or was, the Ripper. He fits the description of a mentally unstable white male, lives alone and could easily dispose of evidence.

God he hoped that wasn't true.


Will stayed at Hannibal's for the night. Nothing romantic happened between the pair, the only reason for he was still there was the fact he couldn't be assed driving all the way home to Wolftrap with the weather like it was, and the time of night that it was.

Hannibal woke up holding Will, so he was happy either way and neither of them wanted to go to work.

Will had to admit, this was quite nice as he watched the small dust particles dance in the morning sunlight through the small gap between the thick curtains.

It was now for some reason he wondered what would've happened if he got to the Hobbs household a split second earlier then he did on that faithful day. Maybe then Abigail could've lived. All he could see was the slow decrease in the heart rate monitor every day, as it became apparent that she would never wake up again.

"Will?" Hannibal called, bringing him back.


"I asked you if you'd like some coffee."

"Do we have time for coffee?"


As he lay in Hannibal's bed, he looked up to the ceiling as he listened to the sound of receding footsteps. Last night's conversation was still fresh in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if he called Jack last night and told him of the Ripper situation.

Maybe he wouldn't be alive to think about a different series of events.

The silence felt dangerous now, and he couldn't help but feel as though Hannibal was monitoring his every move. His demeanor never changed though, and Will felt as though Hannibal was convinced that he wouldn't rat him out to Jack.

How long could he keep this secret for though?

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