𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞- 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕸𝖊 𝕿𝖔 𝕾𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕

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Jack had most of the FBI sifting through the hotel's records from over the past two years. He was also looking through arrivals into nearby Switzerland applying for residency from over the same time-period. 

They looked through everything that they could to try and find any evidence at all of the pair of cannibals being in Europe. Crawford wanted to believe Bedelia, he really did, but he felt as though that he had been played yet again as they searched through the fragmented CCTV footage, flight numbers and residency visa applications from most of the countries across the Atlantic Sea.

Maybe her last interaction with him before she left could've been half correct after all, she could've just been off about a year or two. 

He also had certain people looking at records of strange murders in Switzerland and the surrounding countries. 

Finding records of murders in Switzerland was an interesting thing to try and find, as the country mainly had a problem with purse theft and pick pocketing instead of violent crimes. 

The Swiss and Italian police were cooperative with Crawford's efforts to catch two killers that could potentially running around amok in their countries, so they granted him and the FBI access to records that could be helpful. 

It took a little more persuasion to get the French police onto his side, but they eventually gave in to help the FBI look for Hannibal and Will.

It was probably days, but it felt more like weeks to Jack Crawford and his team before they found any meaningful evidence on the pairs whereabouts. 

It was glazed over the first few times that it was seen, but on further inspection, it was actually quite important.

There was a small clip on a security camera from inside a train station in Paris which featured two men, both with a bag of luggage each, walking beside one another. One of them was slightly taller than the other, with hair that just touched his shirt collar. 

The video was in black and white, so nobody could distinguish the color. 

The other had shorter hair, and looked behind him for a couple of seconds, revealing his facial features. The image had to be enhanced before it made any sense to anybody, because in Jack Crawford's eyes, this man was just another person in a sea of people. 

On further inspection it looked to be a clean shaven Will Graham, which was pretty much a unanimous agreement by everyone in the FBI that Jack showed the image to. 

The footage was only recent too, so now they had a definite lead that Will and potentially Hannibal were in Paris, and judging by the time that the train arrived at the station, they came from Switzerland. 

As soon as he found this out, he was immediately on the phone to both Switzerland and France's police departments. 

Over the next 12 hours, a warrant for Will's arrest was making it's rounds right around Europe. 


Prior to the sudden arrest warrant there was a plan being made in a small building down the street from the hotel in which Hannibal and Will were staying in. 

There were four men, all of whom were born and raised in Paris who had a strange fascination with Hannibal and they only wanted to be names in a group as Caedes. 

They thought of Hannibal as being some kind of savior, like the patron saint of cannibalism or something. They wanted to see what made him work, but most of all, they wanted him to become their teacher. 

They wanted to watch his process of killing, they wanted to watch the bloodshed and they wanted to gaze upon the newly-finished work that he had created in front of their eyes. 

They wanted to continue his legacy of horror and murder because they intended to replace him as a God. 

They wanted to become the patron saints of cannibalism and murder because they felt as though Hannibal was having all of the fame and glory to himself and that it was time that the world had somebody else to fear.

In their twisted reality, Hannibal was both a God and a mere mortal. He was both unassailable and vulnerable. 

They already had the perfect bait to lure him down their path. 

Will Graham. 

Hannibal was hopelessly devoted to him, and they could use Will as a means to get him closer to their little group.

If they really wanted to, they could torture Will and use his suffering to bend Hannibal into submitting to their plan.

If you haven't picked it up yet, the Caedes were violent and weren't afraid to throw their weight around.

They'd tried doing robberies and a whole other assortment of crimes, but they found salvation in the life taking and bloodthirsty art of murder.

When they heard of the Chesapeake Ripper they worshipped him. When they found out about Hannibal potentially being the Ripper they had made an altar dedicated to all the articles they could get their hands on about the Ripper, and he turned from an ordinary serial killer into their savior.

They were obsessed with malicious intent, but they made sure that if he was slaughtered by them, no part of him would be wasted.

They intended to skin him, eat him and make his head into one of those wall-mounted trophies.

He would become art after his death, and the Caedes would become Gods, immortalised in the history books and in the press as the men who killed Hannibal Lecter.

They wanted to be idolized.

They wanted to be loved like nothing else on this earth.

But above all else, they wanted to be feared. They wanted to be the reason behind international panic and hysteria.

They would then be able to go down in a blaze of glory once their bodies were no longer capable of killing.

God-like might, power and fear were the only things these men ever wanted.

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