𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊- 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝕹𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖆𝖎𝖉 𝖄𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖉𝖆𝖞

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Alana called from the outside of his house while she knocked on the door. He groggily go out of bed before responding and opening the door.

"Surprised to see you here."

"Jack isn't too impressed, you've missed all of the calls he's tried to reach you with," the psychiatrist studied Will with fears for his mental wellbeing. It wasn't like him to call Jack back, and she felt the pressure of guilt encasing her chest because she yelled at Will mere seconds ago.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just slept in today."

Alana eyes him suspiciously as he avoided direct eye contact with her. She knew even if he was telling the truth, he still wouldn't look at her, but this personality-based avoidance of eye contact felt different to his usual atmosphere.

"Even if you weren't, you'd only tell Dr. Lecter, wouldn't you?"

Will sighed defeatedly and smiled at the doctor who was standing on his front porch.

"I think you know me a little too well in that sense, Dr. Bloom."


Arriving at the crime scene late, Jack was quick to question Will's mental state.

"I needed you here an hour ago, what the hell were you doing?"

Will looked at the pavement as he avoided Jack's rageful stare. He got used to Jack's quick-to-trigger temper after a little while, but Will still didn't know what to look at while his boss roared at him.

Still, he kept up the conversation.

"Nothing you'd find important, what have we got today?"

As the pair turn to face the crime scene, Jack begins to give Will a quick run down of what the FBI know about the crime at hand.

"The two victims are Margaret Delano and Clay Pierce, they were reported missing about 3 days ago. He died from the very clear incision running the length of his torso and from estimated shock, but she died from getting her throat cut."

The nude bodies had been opened at the chest cavity, ribs holding onto nothing as the nooses around their necks made of their own intestines slowly rotated them in circles like two twisted ballerina's at their final show. The two victims were facing one another, holding hands as if they were at a form of wedding ceremony. The blood from the pair's eye sockets streamed down both of their faces, and created the effect that the victims were crying tears of blood. Their clothes were, for some reason, folded neatly at their feet, but doused in blood.

Looking at this never got easier for Will, but somebody had to save peoples lives, as Jack would often say.

"Everybody away!" Jack called to the crime scene workers as Will took his place in front of the hanging corpses. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, a pendulum of light swinging slowly in the darkness behind his eyes before the scene began to reverse from being filled with emergency services to a completely unassuming alleyway.

The couple walk down, smiling and laughing together as Will watches them. Margaret was dressed in a flowing white dress with a makeshift crown of flowers tangled into her hair, she was barefoot, and so too was her partner. Clay was wearing a dress shirt with a bowtie, and a pair of somewhat tidy black jeans.

It was apparent that the pair had eloped.

"I approach the couple, taking them by surprise," Will maddeningly smiles. "They don't know who I am, or where I'm from but they shouldn't have seen me in the first place. Still, I play the pleasant stranger card."

He smiles as he walked up to the couple, reaching into his pocket to pull out a knife, before lurching forward and holding Margaret hostage under the blade of the knife.

"After he watched me slash his bride's throat, the groom pleads helplessly, wishing that the one under the knife was himself, but nothing of the sort would happen tonight." 

Clay is on his knees, and Margaret is trying her best to claw out of the killer's grasp through her tears

Will draws the knife across the young woman's throat, she gasps as blood spills from the crimson etching, before he drops her to the floor to bleed out and convulse on the concrete. Her final moments would be those of fear, panic and pain. He'd deal with her in a minute, but for now his attention was on the groom of the newly deceased.

He pleaded with his killer for the last few moments of his life, before Will lunged forward and ended his life too.

"I stab Mr. Pierce in the sternum, dragging the blade downwards to just above the navel. All he can do is feel the cold steel drag through his chest. I do the same to Mrs. Pierce and begin creating my artwork."

Removing their intestines, he created a noose for each of them before splitting the ribcage in two and taking all of the edible organs. He then moved on to gouge out their eyes, making sure that the blood from the empty sockets fell how he wanted it to.

He bent their hands into place and hung them onto the tree like deranged Christmas ornaments.

Will stood back to admire his handiwork.

"This is my design."

Will rejoins the current time just as Jack walks back over, looking at the hanged couple.

"What are your thoughts on this, Mr. Graham?"

Will looked at Jack for a split second before avoiding his gaze. "It was a crime done out of love, maybe it's something that the killer wishes that he could have, but believes that he'll never find the perfect murder partner. The Bonnie to his Clyde."

"Do you think this is the Ripper, Will?"

"I know it is Jack."

Even though he had never met these two people in his life, he felt as though the Ripper was trying to catch Will's attention.

Maybe the Ripper was mocking him?


"Are you concerned for me as your friend, or as your colleague, Bedelia?" Hannibal asked as he glanced around the well-kept living room of Bedelia Du Maurier, before fixing his attention onto her with his beady, almost blood-lusting eyes.

"I'm concerned on a doctor-patient basis Hannibal," she uttered as she studied Hannibal's face. She was surprised at how expressionless his gaze was. "It would be in your best interest to keep Will Graham as a close friend, instead of forming an unhealthy obsession."

"You don't really care about my best interests though, do you?"

"I care about your mental health, Hannibal, and the only thing I can see this leading to is you getting hurt. Are you seeing him tonight?"

"No," Hannibal lied. "He cancelled tonight's session with me when we met yesterday."

"Good, because I think you need to take a break from Will Graham for the next little while."

"But I'm his psychiatrist."

"You're also his friend, and now his obsessor."

Hannibal sighed. He wasn't about to argue with Bedelia because he knew how that would go down. The thought of being unable to see Will was a strange one, as the temporary agent was a prominent feature and a highlight in his day.

"What will he do for therapy?"

"I am more than capable of talking to him."

"He won't say a word to you. Do you realize this Bedelia?"

"Its more what he doesn't say that will change my feelings on things Hannibal."

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