𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓- 𝕿𝖜𝖔 𝕿𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖘 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕬 𝕷𝖎𝖊

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After leaving Hannibal's place, Will went straight to the FBI building as Jack had requested him. He wasn't 100% sure why his boss had so urgently needed his presence,  but he still went in anyway.

He found Jack in his office, his desk covered in pictures, that Will hadn't payed any attention to. He sat in his usual spot as Jack started the conversation.

"Were you with Hannibal last night?" 

"Why is it suddenly important?"

Jack took a picture from his desk and handed it to Will before giving him some background information as to what he was looking at.

"There's another Ripper victim, and through the profile that has been made for the Ripper, we have reason to believe that it may be Hannibal himself,"

Will's eyes darted around the image and Hannibal's words echoed in his mind. Suddenly he felt sick to his stomach and rather clammy. Jack's voice sounded far away from him, like he was in a whole other room than Will.

Through a gap in the blinds to his right, Will couldn't help but feel as though he saw the lanky, antlered figure from previous hallucinations. The creature's gaze still burned into the back of his skull.

"So, I'll ask you again, were you with Hannibal last night?"

"I was."

Jack studied his temporary agent. Something was happening behind his eyes that wasn't due to the obvious sleep deprivation. He couldn't tell if he was lying about being with Hannibal, or if he knew something the rest of the team didn't.

Will felt like he was trying too hard to keep Hannibal's secret away from his boss' mind.

The idea of Hannibal being the Ripper was waning in Jack Crawford's mind, although he would still have to verify Will's alibi with Hannibal. But still something about the Ripper being right under his nose didn't feel far fetched to him, but he couldn't incarcerate someone on a prediction alone.

"What's up with your recent fascination with Hannibal being the Chesapeake Ripper?"

Jack didn't want to lie to Will, but he also didn't want to tell him the truth because Will and Hannibal were obviously together or very close, and he knew that he would report his findings back to Hannibal.

"Just a strange feeling I've had."

"What was the Ripper's profile like? And who did you get to do it?"

"Do you not remember doing his profile Will?"

Strangely enough, Will couldn't recall it at all. "No, not at all."

Jack sighed and looked at Will from across the desk. He could see that he was not mentally well at all, and he probably shouldn't have called him in, but this was important to an investigation and all of this would pay off, Jack thought to himself.

"Well, you said that the Ripper has a detailed knowledge of the human anatomy and that he thinks of his victims as pigs or prey, and hunts them in 'sounders'."

"How does this relate back to Hannibal?"

"He's had a record as a surgeon, and I'm not sure if you've noticed how Hannibal is about manners."

"The same could go for Dr. Chilton as well though."

Jack had never thought about this before, and was caught off guard when Will said that about the pompous, bigheaded and vain psychiatrist. Questioning him may bring better results, Jack said internally.

"You're right Will, thank you for coming in on such short notice."

"Not a problem." Even though, it was very much a problem.

Will turned and left the office and closed the door behind him.

Through all of this, Will had completely forgotten about his lecture he was meant to do today, and he really couldn't do much about it. He had nothing here and he couldn't blame anyone but himself for that, he shouldn't have stayed at Hannibal's last night.

Will sent Hannibal a message to let him know he was alive, and he just got caught up at work.

He didn't check for a reply until after his shift.


Will went back to his house to check up on his dogs, feed them and be in their presence for a little while. He contemplated staying here for the night, and giving Hannibal a call or a text to inform him of his whereabouts.

Then Jack's questions flashed into his mind. What if Hannibal somehow gets caught in the span of a day or two? Who will be his alibi?

Winston looked up at Will with his happy gaze as he rested his head onto his lap, blissfully unaware of the events happening mentally to his owner.

Will smiled down at the dog, and scratched him behind his fluffy ears, a sense of mental calmness flooding his senses. His dogs didn't have to do much to give him a much needed jolt of serotonin.

He sighed, messaged Hannibal and went to have a shower, apologizing to Winston and the other dogs for disturbing them.

Hannibal couldn't help but miss Will slightly. He knew it was good that he went home to his dogs for a piece of solitude, but not having the feeling of another body in his bed and watching the rising and falling of their chest felt odd, even if they had only been together for 2 days.

He found himself dining alone and sketching alone at his desk after clearing his plate and doing the dishes. 


Will had some sort of premonition as he lay in bed. All he saw was a room, with a plexiglass wall with holes nearing the top and bottom. There were bookshelves full of books, a stretcher-like bed and a solid wooden desk to the far left of the room.

It felt like a zoo enclosure more than a room.

But the most jarring thing about it all was that it wasn't himself or Dr. Chilton in there.

It was Hannibal.

He hoped this prediction wouldn't come true, as he wouldn't be able to bear seeing Hannibal pacing the room like a caged animal, occassionally reading or drawing. He couldn't wait and watch this happen, because he had a feeling that it eventually would. Jack would eventually find out Hannibal's secret and he would be locked away, or given the lethal injection.

Will felt as though he needed to do something about it because he didn't want to see Hannibal captured or even worse, dead.

He wasn't going to let that happen, not on his watch anyway.

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