𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗- 𝕿𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖗𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓

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"As far as you can remember, for my safety and yours, this session between us never happened Will."

"What's happened?"

Hannibal sighs, and looks into Will's concerned eyes.

"Dr. Du Maurier suggested that I... give your therapy to her and that I take a break from you for a little while."

"So you're giving me a referral?"

"A very hesitant and heavy-hearted referral, nonetheless."

Will couldn't express this feeling that he felt weighing on his heart like a ton of bricks. He knew that only Hannibal could understand him, understand his ruined mind. He liked to imagine that Hannibal felt the same pain tugging on his heartstrings.

He knew that they would obviously still see each other, but this felt like the only time that he could word-vomit his emotions onto another human being. Hannibal had been there for him after he'd killed Garrett Jacob Hobbs and was having violent hallucinations. He normally didn't like having people poking around inside his head, but it didn't feel any different to just speaking aloud when he discussed everything happening to him with Hannibal. 


The one question Hannibal was hoping Will wouldn't ask, but he knew that he would. He really couldn't find the appropriate words to say in his extensive vocabulary. He felt like a goldfish, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to form a sentence that would make sense and wouldn't give away too much information.

"Even though I am possibly the only person tailored to your emotional needs, Dr. Du Maurier recommends for my own sanity, I open a new door for you, one with a more useful therapist."

"I thought our meetings were friendly discussions?"

"As did I, but occasionally things percieved from the outside do not reflect the inner contents," Will and Hannibal locked eyes. Will was able to see the pain behind Hannibal's normally cold gaze.

"So, since it will be our last meeting for a little while, what is it that you would like to discuss?"

Will often took his meetings with Hannibal for granted, and a strange fluttery feeling lay in his chest which was the tingle of inevitability. He knew deep down this wouldnt be permanent, but he did feel a twang of pain for the time he could have been talking to Hannibal he would lose.

"The newest case at work, it has me slightly puzzled."

"It's unlike you to be puzzled Will, what has got you to this point?"

"Well, it's that these two new victims are Ripper victims, I feel that energy, but it's the message he is trying to get across which has me second-guessing my judgment."

"What message is our killer trying to portray?"

Hannibal couldn't help but feel a pinch of pride under his skin as he discussed his murder and display of affection for the agent.

"Maybe the idea that he's looking for his ...murder partner. Like he no longer wants to kill alone, as though he wants the love of another human being, or just the attention of one at that."

"Do you think that it would be for someone who would be able to find it, like a first responder or FBI agent?"

Will thought about Hannibal's proposition and sighed. "Makes sense. The killer knew that nobody willing to report a dead body would travel down the alley, if it was for someone on the front line, it would make a whole lot of sense."

Hannibal watched Will with a smile, he liked to imagine the cogs turning in Will's mind that would create the breakthrough that he so desperately wanted on his cases.

This time though, would potentially be the last time discussing work matters with Will in a friendly matter which could be viewed as an ending patient-psychatrist relationship. 

Time changes all things, for the better and for the worse.

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