𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊- 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕳𝖚𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖊

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We often take things for granted, only realising their true value until they have ceased to exist in our waking world and only exist in memories or dreams. For Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham was one of those things.

He knew he could go and see him any time he wanted to, but for once in his life, he decided that he would at least try to listen to Bedelia and see if that improved him for the better or worse. He obviously knew all the tricks in the book, but the worst thing you can possibly is try and be your own psychiatrist.

The doctor soon found himself drawing. Drawing things that he could see, such as the small, black, stag statue, whose stance was regal and confident. The stag looked to be bellowing, almost calling to something he had lost. Hannibal couldn't help but think of Will as he sketched the stag from an alternate angle, as though it was bellowing at him.

Something about deer and stags just reminded him of Will, it was probably the Garrett Jacob Hobbs case but he thought about the royalty, pride and majesty these animals exhibited without even trying. For some reason, they reminded him of Will. Yes, Hannibal was fully aware most of the population could look at Will and not see what he sees, all the normal person would see would be a sleep deprived man, but Hannibal saw the internal structure of Will. He was composed and knew more than he'd let on and in that sense, Will was just like a stag. It isn't an unintelligent animal, but it can still be mislead.

Just like Will Graham.


The next day as Will was getting ready to go to work, he saw a figure with piercing blue eyes that raised the hairs on his arms. It stood at about 5'11" with two deer antlers on either side of its head, each with six prongs branching out of the main antler itself. Its skin was so black it seemed to engulf all the light surrounding it.

It stood and watched Will with its almost familiar face and tilted its head to one side when Will looked at it for a little while. He really didn't know what to do about this creature standing on his porch. He turned his back, and went to take a closer look, shortly to discover it had gone.

Will was now standing on his porch, in the cold, half dressed.

He was thinking about telling Hannibal until he remembered that he had therapy with Dr. Du Maurier, who he wasn't about to share the details of his hallucination to.

He felt as though he'd just been kicked in the soul, completely winded of all feelings.

For once he forgot about the grizzly murder currently being investigated at work, and about the experience he just had. The only thing he thought about was Hannibal, but only for a brief moment. Will finished getting dressed and grabbed his keys off of the table and set off to work.

It wasn't often that Will remembered things from his hallucinations, but the figure was a reoccurring idea in his brain. He zoned out at work and was called back to the world of the living by Jack calling his name.

"Will? Are you here?"

Will could only nod.

Jack stepped towards Will and studied him. He saw the sleep deprivation in his face and he knew something wasn't right. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I never said I was okay Jack, I only said I was still here."

Jack Crawford sighed and placed his hand gently on Will's shoulder.

"I need you here today, but if you're broken I can give you a pass just for today."

"Do you have anyone that does this better unbroken than I do broken?"

Jack sighed yet again and took his hand off of Will's shoulder. He was right, but he didn't want to admit it. He knew deep down that Will would eventually need a break, or else he would certainly cave in on himself but he also knew that there was no point in forcing Will to stay home because he would still show up anyway. You could slash his tires and he'd still probably walk to work.

Jack could only watch as the light behind his temporary agent's eyes burn out until it ceased to exist, and he was just a shell of him former self which hurt him more than it would probably hurt Will.

"If you need to see Dr. Lecter-"

"I wont see Dr. Lecter."

"It's your life, not mine. I'm just looking out for you."

"I'll keep it on my mind."


Hannibal knew that Will would be meeting with Dr. Du Maurier shortly, since it was after work and it was nearing his old appointment time.

His mind wandered off to whether or not Will would say anything to her. He had the strange feeling that he would abstain from conversation with his new-found therapist.

He even wondered if Will was thinking about him too.

Will arrived at Dr. Du Maurier's place about 5 minutes early for his appointment and sat in his parked car. He really didn't want to be here, he wanted to be at home with his dogs or discussing his mindset with Hannibal, whom he really needed to stop thinking of.

The agent walked up to the door with a slight sinking feeling in his stomach as Bedelia opened the sleek, modern door to her household.

She gave Will a smile, which he didn't return as he stepped inside. He had a plan in his mind which was to do as little talking as possible. 

"So, how have you been lately Will?" 

"Fine thank you."

Bedelia could clearly see the despair behind his eyes, and the sleeplessness on his face. He looked as though he could understand nothing she said to him.

"Even a blind man could see that you aren't, Mr. Graham. I know you're going to be uncooperative with my best helpful attempts, so I may as well just talk at you, or sit in silence for the next.." 

She checked the clock.

"55 minutes. Which would you prefer?"

"If you really must know Bedelia, I would prefer not to be here."

"You would much rather be spending some time with Hannibal, if I'm not mistaken. While we're on the subject of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, when was the last time you saw him?"

Hannibal's words to Will at the beginning of their last session entered his mind.

"I saw him last week on a Thursday. I cancelled our session this Tuesday."

"How does it make you feel to be away from Hannibal?" Bedelia had an entirely different question in her mind, but she wasn't about to ask Will directly, she would slowly inch him towards asking it and act surprised when he finally burst it out.

"In a friendly way, or a patient-psychiatrist way?"

"Whichever way you perceive your relationship with Hannibal."

"I miss him in a friendly way, he's good company. He understands my mind and I could only wish to understand his."

Saying that to Bedelia made Will notice something about himself that he'd never seen before. He couldn't tell if it was circumstantial, but he physically felt a desire to lay eyes on Hannibal, to be in his presence and feel noticed by him.

He also couldn't tell if his growing attraction to Hannibal was circumstantial either.

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