𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊- 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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The authorities were shocked at the sudden arrival of two dead bodies, gutted and displayed at a local church. 

After a discussion with Jack Crawford, they could tell that this was one of Hannibal's murdering techniques and there was a high possibility that he and Will could be in the area. 

This subsequently lead to an arrest warrant being placed atop Hannibal's head too, but the image they were using was old and taken well before the pair left Baltimore. 

Bedelia caught wind of this rather quickly, and debated whether or not she made the trip from her little studio apartment into the small town.

She decided that she would risk it, after all, it had been a couple of days.

She had a sneaking suspicion that the vineyard nearby was housing the cannibals, as she knew Hannibal quite well and had a vague idea on where he would run away with Will.

She didn't pack a bag, she was only thinking about going for a quick trip and she wasn't planning to be gone for half the day either.

Still, she was carrying a knife holster on her left thigh beneath her elegant white satin dress, as you do.


Hannibal hadn't seen Will in going on three days now, and he was now 100% certain something wasn't right. He'd met their conditions and he still hadn't heard a peep from his fiancee throughout this whole ordeal.

He decided to speak up about it one night after one of the group's members had taken him back to the basement and was standing guard of him.

"Caedes, what has happened to Will?"

"Why must you ask, doctor?"

"I am beginning to wonder; what is it that you're up to here?"

"Like we said, we are here to learn and absorb every aspect of your greatness."

"But would seeing my lover create that much of a distraction?"

"Yes it would, doctor. Without him you are a machine, unfaltering and mechanic. Fine qualities to have in a killer."

"With all due respect Caedes, without him I don't have the same passion for things. He brings out another side in me."

Hannibal felt an overwhelming urge to burst through the door and go upstairs to see Will. It would marr his hands with blood but it was worth it.

"Tell me, Caedes. Have you ever felt a feeling that is both empowering, yet turns your inner workings to nothing but gelatin? The feeling of devotion to another, the feeling of bringing out a loved one's potential for all to see?"

"Of course I have," said the masked figure in a breathy rasp. "I feel empowered in your presence, but I feel like a layman. I am devoted to you and I want to bring out your full potential and show you that you cannot simply only cannibalize the rude, you need to... experiment with others and broaden your pallet. "

"Are you suggesting I eat you, Caedes?"

"I am  doctor."

Three is an easier fight, Hannibal thought as he weighed up the pros and cons, but then again, why stop at just the one if he could manipulate the others into wanting to be cannibalized too?

"I'll see what I can do for you then. Tomorrow obviously."


Bedelia arrived in the late hours of the night, sneaking in under the cover of darkness. The cottage was locked, as she suspected, but she was lucky enough that she remembered to bring her lockpick with her.

She didn't account for the key to still be in the door though. She patrolled the perimeter for an open window or any way to get inside the house. The only open window appeared to be on the second floor, so she looked around for a way to get up there, and she wished she never wore a dress on that night.

Just getting in through the window was a trek and a half, so when she entered the carpetted space of the second floor bedroom, she took off her heels to tread carefully around the house.

But she didn't feel alone on this room.

She turned to see the outline of a bed, which moved as though it was breathing.

The figure made a groggy attempt at making a sound as Bedelia carefully walked towards the bed. Her eyes had adjusted enough to make out who was in the bed.

It was Will Graham, with an I.V. in his left arm.

She couldn't tell if he had just been asleep, or if whatever was in the I.V. was making him like this.

"Can you hear me?" She whispered and got a faint 'mmhm' in response.

She touched his hand in the darkness before moving towards the door. The door was unlocked and she made her way down the stairs, hoping they weren't about to creak underfoot.

When she saw three other figures around a dimly lit lamp at the foot of the stairs, her heart skipped a beat.

Panic set in and she was uncertain of her next move until she remembered the dagger in the holster on her thigh. Even though she couldn't tell if they had guns or not, she decided she would give it her best.

Moving behind the men, she carefully stabbed one of them in the neck as the lamp tumbled to the floor from the stabbed man kicking it. He writhed on the floor and choked on a concoction of his blood and saliva. He made a vain attempt at stopping the gushing blood from exiting the wound in his neck.

It was now a life or death situation under the cover of darkness.

The Caedes in the basement who was watching over Hannibal heard the commotion and immediately headed upstairs, taking the gun he was showing off earlier in the day with him.

Bedelia had taken on the other two Caedes and successfully taken them down through multiple stab wounds. Whether or not they were dead was another question altogether, she thought as she heard the creaking of the basement stairs.

"Have you slaughtered my brethren, intruder?"

She stayed silent and ducked behind the sofa, trying to jimmy herself so she was laying down by the legs of the chair.

"Answer me!" He called into the darkness once again before loading the gun and taking aim at the sofa where the doctor was hiding and holding her breath.

When there were no shots fired and a choking sound came from the gunman's direction, she became petrified, but when she heard the sound of a body hitting the stairs, she didn't know what to feel.

"If you come out now and tell me who you are, I might spare you."

It was Hannibal.

Bedelia gulped before putting her hands up and moving away from the sofa towards the stairs.

"Hannibal, it's me."

"What a surprise, Dr. Du Maurier. I thought you would've ruined my partner and mine's life enough already. I don't think you can weasel your way out of this one though, can you?"

He had moved away from the stairs,  but she couldn't tell where he was in the house anymore.

When she felt a blade against her neck, she knew exactly where he was.

"I'm going to give you two options. One, you leave Will and I alone, and never come looking for us again, or, option number two, I slit your throat and give you just enough time to call the authorities before you die of blood loss. Which sounds like the right treatment to you, Bedelia?"

"Your decision really Hannibal. Either way its a death sentence for me."

"Well, I think I'll choose the latter. So long, doctor."

Hannibal brought the blade across Bedelia's neck drawing a line of crimson, causing blood to spill out of the slit at an alarming rate and seep into the carpet. She was accepting her death. She made no attempts to grab a phone as she lay in the pool of her own blood.

The dress was no longer white, to say the least.

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