13. Waynes story

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"Now it's war outside (yeah)
Get your ass inside (inside)
If you ain't tryna ride (tryna ride)
Boy, you ain't tryna die (tryna die)
They do a homicide (homicide)
You better pick yo' side (pick yo' side)
Better stay inside (stay inside)
Or nigga you gon' die (damn, damn)"


Omniscient pov

Maw stares into Kennedys dull lifeless eyes and attaches both of her hands to Kennedys . Throughout the dinner maw noticed Kennedys behavior and how sad she was when Von got brought up .

She hated seeing a once full of life person like Kennedy look so depressed and lifeless because of her grandson and she wanted to hear both sides to the story .

"How have you really been Kennedy ?" She asks in a soft tone .

She thought of Kennedy like her own daughter . When she saw how excited She was when they first met , and how much she loved and looked out for Von, changing him for the better . She knew Kennedy would be around forever. So she refused to see her grandsons soulmate go down a dark path like she did . So maw is determined to fix their relationship one way or another .

"I've been good " she lies , which maw seen straight through. She scoots closer to her and Kennedy tries to refrain herself from crying feeling the black mother energy coming from maws heart .

"Seriously?" She asks and Kennedy looks away "ive never seen you with so much saddens in your eyes " she sighs and Kennedy exhales and pulls her hands away letting one tear fall from her eyes .

She feels her emotions brewing , waiting to be released , but she doesn't let them . She's tired of crying over Von and being stuck on him when all he's doing is speaking bad on her and moving on . She wanted to heal and seeing , talking , or thinking of Von is not helping .

"with all do respect if this is about Von I would rather not talk about it " she mumbles . Maw nods a little then sits back in her chair .

"Okay I respect it " she says "I'll just tell you a story "

"A story about what ?" Kennedy questions

"A boy name Wayne " she answers .

Kennedy furrows her eyebrows, confused on what this Wayne character has to do with her but she nods anyways to change the Von subject . She already shed one tear and she knew maw isn't ready for the water works .

"Wayne was born in ninety four to a young lady named Lanora Wright , she was fourteen " she starts and Kennedy gasp completely forgetting about the sad emotions that suddenly left her body .

"Fourteen ? " She questions surprised. She didn't even know who maw is talking about but for some reason this story intrigued her.

"Yep . She was raised in a very stable home . With Both her mom and her dad . They provided her with a great education, and the tools she needed to succeed. But she wanted her own life and to make her own decisions. " maw explains . Kennedy sits back in her chair getting very interested in where this story is going .

"After Nora had Wayne she started prostituting herself and living with a thirty seven year old pimp name juicy " she frowns "she tried throwing the baby in the trash can but I found him and brought him home to raise him as my own . "She says and Kennedy gasp at the trash can part

" years later , when wayne turned ten , Nora came back home . Drugged out , beaten down , and starved . Which Wayne seen and begged me to take his mother in to . So I did "

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