23. Scared to live

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"You always miss the chance to fall for someone else
'Cause your heart only knows me
They try to win your love, but there was nothing left
They just made you feel lonely
I am not the man I used to be
Did some things I couldn't let you see
Refused to be the one who taints your heart
So don't be scared to live again
Be scared to live again"

~the weekend

Kennedy banks pov

"I should kick yo ass walking outside with this naked ass outfit on . You need your ass beat . You are in a city full of rapist , pedophiles , perverts , child molesters -"

"Durk I am a grown woman " I laugh at him " I can handle myself"

"Mufucka unless you got a pistol you can't handle shit !"

"I don't need a gun to protect myself " I roll my eyes

"Shit yes you do , your lil bitch ass boyfriend can't protect you " he mumbles and I frown

"I thought you liked Daniel " I shake my head " and he can protect me "

"Oh please , willow gone be able to beat his ass when she turn five " he waves me off "and I did like him up until the point he became a hoe and a snitch "

"Uhm how do you know he snitched ? von knew that condo had cameras he shouldn't have assaulted him " I tell him as we pull up into the in and out burger line . We've been talking so much I forgot where we're going .

"Stop acting dumb , it was a whole statement against von "he shakes his head " I can't believe you got back with him "

I huff and roll my eyes " is this what you wanted to talk about ? Because if it is I'm good " I say rudely and he frowns

"Don't be catching no attitude with me cause you passed up on a real nigga for a bitch ass nigga "

" he left me ! " I snap

"You told him to leave ! " he snaps back

"Why the fuck do you even care about the relationship it's over with damn ! "

He huffs and rolls up to the ordering menu . " I'm not getting you shit " he mumbles

" I don't care " I roll my eyes

" don't care then I don't give a fuck " he frowns then starts ordering.

I hate when he does this . What happened with Von is honestly none of his buisness rather thats his friend or not and he should respect the fact that I don't want to talk to or about him at all .

Durk is getting annoying when he keeps bringing him up , trying to get me to see him , and trying to make it seem like I'm the problem the relationship didn't work . If the blame has to be pointed at anybody it should be Von . He should've been honest from the beginning !

Durk finishes the order and pulls up into the line for the food window . "Kennedy ? " he calls out and I ignore him "Kennedy ?! "

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