25. Track star

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"She's a runner, she's a track star
She gon' run away when it gets hard
She cant take the pain, she cant get scarred
She hurt' anyone that gets involved
Don't wanna commit, why take it this far
She gon' do the race, just not this one
Love is a game you used to cheer for
When i was down to talk you weren't here for it"


Omniscient pov

Kennedys foot taps the floor at a rapid pace while her leg shakes uncontrollably. Her nerves are all over the place and she feels anxious and angry at the same time .

When she first seen Von at the door she was actually considering keeping things cordial and having a real conversation, but he had to start acting petty bringing Asian and true downstairs, which changed her mind .

He knew that would get under Kennedys skin and he wanted to hurt her as much as he hurts seeing her in that outfit and not being able to tear it off of her and make up . Plus she brought up Daniel , and that really pissed him off . Their just to petty for their own good . That's why they can't get along .

She huffs and turns her head towards the kitchen , hearing all the loud laughing and see Asian cooking and juju , cisco and Durk chuckling  at something.

Her thoughts start roaming and it causes her face to frown .

What the fuck is so funny
That hoe don't even cook Forreal
I'm ready to go
He still ain't found that damn charger ?

She huffs loudly and slouches back in the chair looking at the black television screen . "I fucking hate it here " she says to herself

"Do you mind ? im trying to put my daughter to sleep  here " Von says , purposely walking into the living room and sitting across from her with true on  his chest  . Kennedy frowns at his petty behavior and rolls her eyes . Then looks at his daughter and feels another piece of her heart shatter .

Being in front of him is still surreal to her , and honestly if they would've greeted each other correctly, she would be in his arms kissing him . But now she doesn't even want to see him .

"Fuck your daughter " she mumbles , without even really meaning it . She really meant fuck him but she knew saying it about his daughter would hurt worst then her saying it to him . Even though it wouldn't .

"You still bitter ? " he chuckles at her and before she responds , she shakes her head and looks off into the hallway . "I asked you a question " he spats

"And I heard you " she spats back

"Then fucking answer it !"

"Look " she starts in a low tone " I really don't feel like arguing okay ? You got it " she holds her hands up in surrender. But Von doesn't let up . He knew if he stopped she would ignore him the rest of the time she was in his presence and he wanted to talk to her , no matter what tone it's in .

"You shoulda thought about not arguing before you came in my house defending that snitch bitch ass nigga " he says

"You shoulda stayed your ass upstairs with your lil gremlin then" she frowns referring to Asian

"You shoulda stayed your ass in Chicago with daisy "

"His name is Daniel " she rolls her eyes " and I didn't come out here for you "

"But for some reason you in my face " he says sarcastically

"You walked over here " she reminds him

"Nigga it's my house "

"Okay Damn I get it !  how many times you gone bring it up ? Go rock your baby to sleep  or something you getting on my nerves " she waves him off really getting tired of his conversation.

"Why you keep speaking on my child ? " he smirks " you wanna hold her ? " he asks and Kennedys face turns completely stale and she exhales to stop her emotions from flowing . She was doing pretty well on standing her ground during this conversation but everytime he mentions true it breaks her down more .

"Whatever Von " she mumbles . He's shocked by her reaction and notices how she's ignoring him so he continues to talk so the conversation won't die down .

"Speaking of babies " he starts "where moo at ?" He asks her genuinely curious . He kinda missed arguing with that dog . He was also surprised she didn't bring it . Especially since she loved him so much .

"I gave him away " she says dryly

"You did what ? " he snaps quickly .

"I gave him away " she shrugs

"Why the fuck would you do that ? It was a gift Kennedy "

"Okay ?" She questions " I moved back in with my mother and she doesn't like dogs so he had to go" she tells him honestly

"Why you ain't just stay in the condo ? "

"Because I sold it " she says in a Duh tone .

He blinks a few times in shock at the fact that she would sell the condo he bought her . He thought she would at least appreciate that gesture but she left it just like she left him . "Are you serious ? "

"Yeah , everytime I went in there I cried so Daniel help me sell it " she smirks wanting to see him upset

"Oh really " he chuckles "I shoulda gave it to Asian anyways, I'm not even tripping  "he lies .

"Yeah I'm sure her leeching ass needed it to " Kennedy rolls her eyes

"You ungrateful as fuck , I ain't never buying you shit else " he shakes his head at her and she chuckles a little , feeling the pettiness flow back into her blood .

"Shit you wouldn't have to cause I got two niggas buying me shit " she smirks and he feels his blood pressure starts to rise . She knew if Daniel wouldn't get under his skin , Clarence would .

"The hell is u talking about ? " he asks calmly trying not to snap at what he's assuming she's saying .

"Tuh " she smiles " I got two guys checking for me And what you got ?one tired ass girl and babies ?" she laughs "where yo son at ? "

"Hold up " he pauses and lays true down "you out there  hoeing?"

"Hoe is a strong word " she tells him " I would say , dating freely " she giggles  and he mugs her not finding it funny .

"You fucking disgust me " he mumbles "trifiling as fuck , they can have your burnt ass " he spats at her and she gets taken back at his strong words with so much fuel behind them . You could actually hear the hatred in his voice and that shattered the rest of the pieces to her heart she had left .

"Why do you hate me so much ? " she asks him tearing up and he looks off . She finally broke , and wants answers . All her emotions are flowing out and she couldn't hold them in . She just wanted him to hug her , or at least smile . Something other than rudeness . They were in love at one point , she wondered where the love went " what did I do ? "

"Fuck you kennedy " he spats and stares deeply into her eyes to prove that he means it . She nods a little and stares back,  receiving his message . She definitely felt it .

"So guyssss how's it going ? " Durk sings walking into the living room . "Feeling the love connections ?" He smirks wiggling his eyebrows .

Kennedy snaps her head towards him and huffs .

"Take me home ! "

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