This is a sequel to 'crazy story '
After a crazy roller coaster ride last year , Kennedy attempts to cope with being without someone she fell in love deeply with , while Von has to learn how to let go. Will they let the universe decide if their b...
"I can't leave 'em alone Try to change my ways, but the dope boy turnin' me on Trap niggas know what I want So caught up that I can't leave 'em alone (Can't leave 'em alone) Try to change my ways, but the dope boy turnin' me on Trap niggas know what I want So caught up that I can't leave 'em alone"
~Layton Greene
Kennedy banks pov
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"So y'all thought y'all was just gone sneak off and chew on each other's faces huh ? " Durk smirks as we walk back to where the cars are .
After Von and I were caught kissing they wouldn't leave so we just decided to all walk back together so they can boost and talk about what they saw .
They were being so extra and honestly all I am is confused . Von and I keep getting caught in these intimate moments but still haven't talked or settled any of our disputes . It's like our bodies are doing the talking for us and that's good and bad in my opinion.
Good because I've missed Vons lips , his touch , his affection, and the love that we shared once before . But bad because if we don't discuss everything I worry about us easily going back to fighting and cussing each other out again .
I still haven't gotten any questions answered and my clouded thoughts haven't gotten any clearer, but for some reason I'm speechless . I don't know if it was us reminiscing, or us kissing again , but my plan to get us back to being friends seemed to work and I really don't want to ruin it by asking the questions I don't want the answer to .
Right now I'm really considering finishing out the rest of this trip in Vons arms then dealing with reality when I get back to Chicago. Because right now , LA feels like heaven .
"Durk you the biggest cock blocker I know " juju starts "first you wanna try to get in between me and ya moms and now you interrupting Von and Kennedy . We gone get blue balls fucking with you "
We bust out laughing as Durk stops walking and turns around to mug him . "I will beat the black off yo bitch ass . Stay away from my momma nigga " Durk snaps "matter fact where she at ? "
"I let her sit in the car with the AC cause my woman don't need to be burning up out here " juju answers with a smirk on his face just to get under durks skin . They start arguing and I laugh looking over at Von who's just looking forward gripping my hand tightly .
"What's wrong ?" I asks him noticing his serious expression. He looks down at me and licks his lips . I can't help but to stare at him as often as he does it .
"Nothing im just thinking " he mumbles .
"Thinking about what ? "
"I don't know " he shrugs a little looking away . I look forward and see that we're getting closer to the cars then stop him from walking and turn him to face me .