This is a sequel to 'crazy story '
After a crazy roller coaster ride last year , Kennedy attempts to cope with being without someone she fell in love deeply with , while Von has to learn how to let go. Will they let the universe decide if their b...
"I'm off to better things I'm only doing shit that's gonna make me elevate Only want people around that's gonna make me better Bitch, pull up in that mhm It's a mhm They ask how I get that ooh"
~Coi Leray
Kennedy banks pov Monday 10/3
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"Vonnnnn!" I yell out as I hear baby cries coming from the other room .
We just landed in la yesterday and I'm officially moving in his house emptying my last box in this big closet .
A couple months ago I never would've thought this would be happening. I didn't think we would ever get back together or I would ever even move to California but the last couple events Von and I went through to get here made me realize I love him to much to ever stay apart . plus he made a lot of sacrifices for me so moving out of town to build our life together won't hurt .
We've only been back a day but as soon as we came home , Asian was sitting on his door step waiting to drop off true to see him .
Of course reality hit me like a rock , realizing that I would be having to deal with his kids and his baby mothers until I make him get the paternity test that he keeps procrastinating on getting !
I don't know why it's taking him so long or what he's waiting for but as a A man I would think he would be more motivated to get a test done more than anyone else . Especially since there's a high possibility that their not his anyway .
Like I understand you built a relationship with them but at least make sure their your actual blood first . Especially if your baby mothers going to have an attitude dropping them off .
Asian slammed the car seat on the porch and walked off to her car without saying two words . She was so mad , money must ain't start breeding her into mini Minaj yet .
It really upsets me that out of all the girls Von used to mess with , she's the one that got pregnant. Don't get me wrong , true is one of the cutest babies ever but I just don't believe it's Vons and he needs to know the entire truth .
I'm trying to find the right time to bring the paternity test back up again since we just got back together and I'm not trying to cause any more problems for him to add on to the ones he's already going through.
I was going to mention it on the plane ride yesterday but as soon as I said his kids name he reminded me that their not my responsibility and now that he's forced to stay home anyway I wouldn't have to worry about them at all .
I feel bad that he thinks I don't want to have anything to do with them but it's true until he gets the test and prove my doubtful thoughts wrong . I just can't build a false relationship on a lie .
I plan on getting everything settled out right after I get this house in order though . Not only do I have to move my stuff in but I also have to straighten up .