92.Ball w/o you

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"I'd rather have loyalty than love
'Cause love really don't mean jack (Straight up)
See love is just a feeling
You can love somebody and still stab them in the back (Oh God)
It don't take much to love
You can love somebody just by being attached (21)
See loyalty is a action
You can love or hate me and still have my back (Facts)"

~21 savage

Omniscient pov

"Von ! " Kayla yells out standing over him and kitty sleeping on the couch . Kittys head is on his shoulder and his arm is resting around her waist. "Von ! "She yells out again angry

"Uncle Von ! " grandbabi yells and hits him in his private area making his eyes shoot open .

"Awe shit !"von groans sitting up and holding himself while grandbabi laughs not knowing any better . The pain starts to fade then he looks up with a big smile "wassup y'all ! "He says excitedly

"Unt Unt don't wassup us "Kayla starts "what the hell is this ?" She asks pointing between him and kitty

"Yeah what the hell is this ?"Grandbabi repeats his mother's words . Von looks down at her and then back up at them .

"Oh she came by to pick up king "he answers briefly and Kayla blank faces him

"Okay then why is she still here ?"She asks then kicks kittys foot waking her up . "Say hoe you gotta go this ain't no damn sleep over !"kayla snaps getting kittys attention

"Yeah you gotta go before tt Ken get back "grandbabi adds then climbs on the couch and gets comfortable with his Capri sun pouch

"Von who are they ?"kitty asks tiredly and he shakes his head

"These my folks nem but king upstairs you can go get him "he nods at her and she looks at the time on her phone

"You gone let me drive this late ?"she asks him seriously and he sighs


"Hell yeah he gone let you drive this late ! "Kayla cuts him off

"I wasn't talking to you " kitty says side eyeing her

"Ooouu" grandbabi mumbles looking up at them sipping his juice pouch

"Aye watch your tone when you talking to my sister "Von says defending Kayla

"Man fuck that bitch she came at me " kitty rolls her eyes

"Bitch ?" Kayla questions

"Bitch ?" Grandbabi questions then starts squirting his juice pouch on kitty making them gasps .

"Oh shit "Von chuckles a little then grabs the pouch out of his hand while kitty gets up and storms out the room "toni chill out folks u can't be squirting people "

"She's mean "he tells him and Von shakes his head .

"Von why the fuck you even got this hoe in the house ?where Kennedy at ?"Kayla questions him

"First of all its my house and I can bring anybody I want in here. secondly y'all can't get invited down here and start harassing my guest and thirdly fuck Kennedy and everything she ever stood for " he rants and Kayla rolls her eyes and sits on the couch

"Von I really don't have time for y'all lil bitch fits while I'm out here " she shakes her head

"This ain't no bitch fit I'm deadass done with her ass forreal , she ain't shit but a tooka to me " he shrugs

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