55. Her way

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"Swear I'm gone, gettin' gone with my niggas
We hit the club, niggas cups full of jealous
We in the back and we muggin' to T.I. (you know it)
And I'm with a bad bitch and I got an idea (oh yeah)
This bitch looks like Lindsay Lohan
She gets down just like Lindsay Lohan
Round the block, she's not showin' nothin'
That bitch bad, watch her blow a whole band"


Omniscient pov

"Man that show was so fucking live on foe nem !" Durk yells busting through the tour bus doors , as von , juju , and Cisco walk behind him . They just finished the show and is about to meet up with polo and crystal at the after party being hosted in their honor .

"On god St. Louis definitely top 3" juju says dapping him up . Von nods agreeing , and looks around the bus seeing india and Kennedy sitting silently on the couches .

"Wassup bae ?" Von says kissing Kennedy on the cheek noticing her little attitude. He knows she makes the same faces Everytime she has a problem . So he sits next to her and she moves away. "The fuck is your problem?" He questions

"Exactly!" Durk spats at india "the fuck you ignoring me for ?"

India looks away from him and Von chuckles a little and shakes his head, knowing exactly what they were doing . "Y'all mufuckas childish as hell , I'm not finna be playing the quiet game like we in the third fucking grade "

"Nah what's childish is letting random hoes twerk on y'all when we watching back stage "india snaps and Kennedy eyes her then shakes her head . That was definitely not apart of the plan but india didn't like the fact that they were acting so confused like they didn't do anything.

Von knew He could get india to break first and tell them why they were mad , while Kennedy stayed stubborn .

"Ooou she right that is childish " juju instigates and Von mugs him making him stop laughing .

"That's what this is about ?" He sucks his teeth and asks her .

"That shit stupid it was a show india " Durk tells her and she looks at him and starts lashing out , expressing everything she's been holding in the short period of time they were supposed to be ignoring them until they got to the club . The little not responding plan definitely didn't work .

"That's what you mad for ? I thought we talked about that shit ken ? "Von asks her . She rolls her eyes and gets up trying to walk away . He grabs the bottom of her short dress and pulls her back to him . "You don't hear me talking to you ?"

"Nah folks she definitely heard you" juju nods and Von snaps his neck at him

"Mind your fucking buisness " he tells him and he looks away "Kennedy stop acting like a fucking child "

"Let me go " she yells then swats his hand away storming to the back of the bus . Von shoots up and get right behind her .

When they make it to the back room He shuts the door and turns her around to face him .

"The fuck is your problem-"

"The is your problem !?" She screams cutting him off "your embarrassing as fuck !"

"Embarrassing?" He questions "I told you that's a part of the show I don't know what the fuck else you want me to do "

"I want you to act like you got a girlfriend watching back stage " she snaps and He sighs knowing shes right.

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