67. Cant raise a man

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"Gonna take more than a miracle (a miracle)
To change him, just let him go (just let him go)
Tell me when will you decide
To do better with your life
If his momma couldn't do it what makes you think
You can train a boy to be a man, it's too late
Better off letting him go
No matter how hard you try you can't raise"


Kennedy banks pov

"Kitty ? " I question and let a frown cover my face

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"Kitty ? " I question and let a frown cover my face .

"Close your mouth babe before a bug fly in " she smirks then walks pass me into the house .

First off the fact that she's this comfortable coming in like she lives here is a problem and this little attitude and disrespect needs to go . I don't know what Asian allowed but yeah she got the right one .

"Why are you even here ? " I ask her

"I came to drop off the baby " she smirks " you know Dayvon JUNIOR "

"Mm " I roll my eyes at her pettiness "you should've named him after his dad "

"Oh my god you still on that " she laughs "you know if you wasn't so desperate you would see that ain't nobody gotta lie about having a a baby by Von ass "

"Aren't you money's niece ? " I asks . I've been waiting to ask this question since money told me just so I can have enough evidence to back up my paternity test argument .

"Yeah that's my uncle so what ? You think we set Von up or something ?"

"No I know That's exactly what y'all did you Shiesty as hell just like him . Using this baby to trap Von hoe your sick "

"Let me kick something to you sweetie " she starts " it's not money or my fault that Von was creeping and slipped up in this WAP getting me pregnant but I kept my baby and I'm proud so you can stay mad "

"I'm glad your proud " I smile " I hope you keep the same energy when Von get your son tested "

"Von would never " she shakes her head

"Watch him " I scoff. Why she speaking on Von like they still associate or something.

"You know you bout the most dumbest bitch I've ever knew " she laughs " not only did he get two bitches pregnant but he moved us out to LA with him and left your broke down ass in Chicago then you had the nerve to come back " she shakes her said "I would think Durk would teach you better than that but I guess he ain't got no sense either ." She shrugs .

I wanna hit her so bad but she's carrying a baby and as much as I dislike her I would never put a child in harms way .

"But hey I don't blame you girl Von got some good dick I would go stupid for his has to , you see I kept the baby " she chuckles and off instinct I raise my hand and swat it across her face making her gasps in shock . I wasn't expecting to do that myself so I know she wasn't ready .

"Did you just slap me ? " she questions loudly

"I just slapped the shit outta you " I nod "watch your mouth in our house !"

"Hey yall what the fuck going on ? " Von asks coming out the kitchen "Kitty what you doing here? I thought it was my PO "

"This bitch just put her hands on me !"

"Hoe Shut up before you end up missing like your cousin " I spat at her then turn towards Von

"What's the problem Kennedy ? " he asks with a sigh almost like he's irritated at me or something.

"The problem is you need to put this hoe in her place " I tell him and he exhales "why she coming in here talking crazy like that ? "

"Von I don't even know why you got back with this hoe didn't you just get out of jail cause of her ? " she asks and he shakes his head then takes a step towards her

"Kitty chill out give me junior and go in there to grab a drink and chill " he tells her and my eyes get wide. I know I ain't just hear that . I know I'm tripping . I know I'm crazy . I know MY von , DAYVON BENNETT, v.Roy , grandson , Durk twin , my husband! didn't just say that . I gotta be tripping

"Von are you fucking serious ?" I asks and he looks back at me

"Baby she got my child just go chill "

"She came in here disrespecting me and you talking about a fucking child that's not even yours !?" I yell

"Let that bitch speak on my child again and it's gone be over "

" don't call my girl no bitch aight just give me him and you can leave " he says and she frowns

"I ain't going no where . If I gotta leave then junior leaving to " she says . Von lets out a loud sigh and I look at him . The fact that this is even a hard decision for him proves something and I'm not about to stand here and watch him choose her over me . I'll just leave I'm clearly out numbered

"I'll get juju to pick up junior later then " Von tells her

"Nah no need " I shrug " she can stay " I say then prepare to walk out the door before being yanked back and stared down by Von .

"Stop playing with me Kennedy " he shakes his head and I roll my eyes before he turns his attention back to Kitty . He swear he got somebody in check when he really don't . I'm staying cause I want to ...

"You know what I don't got time for y'all shit today here " she says placing the baby in Vons hands "I'll come get him when I feel like it "

"Preciate it Kitty have a nice day " he tells her

"Yeah whatever nigga " he says before slamming the door on her way out .

Von looks at the baby and smiles "we gotchu lil folks nem " he mumbles in a baby voice " fuck yo momma on foe nem she can't keep me from you "

I frown my face and roll my eyes before walking off up the stairs .
"Kennedy what the fuck is your problem ?" He yells as i walk up the stairs. I ignore him and continue making my way to the room.

'Have a nice day ' . When the fuck did Von even start talking to her like that ?! She must have him under her thumb the way he just defended her in front of me like I was some random .

He had to the nerve to tell her to go chill and get something to drink because of a simple fucking slap . She couldve put the baby down and defended herself but instead she ran to my nigga to snitch and he actually defended her .

My first day moving in the house and he's already treating me like a visitor . I know he thinks that's his 'sons ' mother but I'm supposed to be his 'wife ' and right about now it's feeling like my title just as fake as them babies is . That's probably why he won't give me my ring . Ain't no real husband about to let anyone disrespect their wife no matter who it is , fuck the circumstances

He acts so gullible when Asian and Kitty threaten him by not seeing his imaginary children when in reality that would be a huge weight lifted off his shoulder .

So until he realizes that I'm not even going to be around his kids . He needs to figure out his priorities , what's really important, and what's worth defending. All this starts with a..

Paternity test

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