86. Confessions pt2

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"These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I could say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way
These are my confessions
Man, I'm throwed and I don't know what to do
I guess I gotta give you part two of my confessions
If I'm gonna tell it, then I gotta tell it all
Damn near cried when I got that phone call
I'm so throwed, I don't know what to do
But to give you part two of my confessions"


Kennedy banks pov

"Von I have to talk to you about something " I start , sitting back in the seat

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"Von I have to talk to you about something " I start , sitting back in the seat .

Wassup ? Why you look so sad ?

"Its just ..... I know I promised to tell you nothing but the truth when we got back together so keeping this under wraps all this time is eating me alive " I say "I just want you to know everything that you don't know so I can remain loyal and never cause you to not trust me"

What's going on? just tell me

"Okay " I sigh and look down "I kind of got king and true tested and then lied about the results until now , which I didn't read by the way "I blurt out all at once and exhale feeling a relief "oh and I got an abortion a year ago when you thought I wasn't pregnant " I add "but I know Durk already told you that " I mumble

Yeah , he did

"So ? " I question

So what ?

"Do you hate me ? "I ask hopeful to hear the answer I wanted

"Of course not baby "

"Really ? "I question confused

Yes ! You know I can never hate you no matter what you do . I know that you do whats best for me so it's no need to doubt your loyalty !

"Awee"I mumble "I'm so glad you understand!" I chirp

I love you Kennedy

"I love you mor-" I stop and palm my face then groan "Kennedy you know damn well von isn't going to say this "I spat at myself , ending my fake conversation with von in my head .

I just pulled up back in front of the house and I decided to play out different scenerios of things von could say or do to me when I break the news him . So far, all of them has been unrealistic and it's prohibiting me from actually getting the courage to walk in the house and tell him .

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