"Nothing else ever seems to hurt
Like the smile on your face
When it's only in my memory
It don't hit me quite the same
Maybe it's a cause for concern
But I'm not at ease
Keeping my head to the curb
Pray to catch you whispering
I pray you catch me listening
I pray to catch you whispering (whisper, whisper)
I pray you catch me (whisper, whisper)
I pray you catch me
I pray you catch me (praying)
I'm praying you catch me"~yonce
Omniscient pov
Kennedy looks at Von and Kitty ahead of her with a stale face feeling the blood boil inside of her .
Kitty is looking at her with a smirk while she bounces king on her lap and Von is talking to her but she can't hear him . The sound is blocked out by her ears and her head becomes cloudy as she lets the anger and frustration take over her body .
Everything that's happened during this past week , all this conflict with Kitty , and Von sitting in front of her sharing the same grins and laughs. Kennedy is over it and she knew it would be a matter of time before she reaches her breaking point .
"Kitty was just here to pick up king and I told her I wanted him to stay so we just started chopping shit up "he shrugs looking at her and Kennedy starts to chuckle a little bit before walking over to the table and sitting down the to go plates she brought for him .
She looks between them both , then clears her throat before speaking .
"So you sitting in here with somebody who disrespected me , you, and this house and you think this shit okay ?" She asks calmly in front of him .
"Love she's the mother of my child it's not that deep " he tells her and and she closes her eyes .
"Yeah it's really not " Kitty agrees chuckling . Kennedy looks over at her and wants to lunge her body , but she sees king in her lap and she didn't want to assault her while she was holding her son again so she decided to just let Kitty sit there and observe what would happen to her if she allowed Von to pull this stunt again .
"Not that deep " she scoffs and bawls her first while he stands up with fear of being hit . "I've done nothing but listen to you and respect your space for the last week and this is what you do ? "
"Look kennedy she can leave I was just - "
"Shut up ! " she yells slapping him across the face making him and Kitty gasp at the same time .
Kitty didn't think she would actually hit him and Von saw it coming he just thought he would dodge it first . But he didn't and now his cheek is stinging .
Kennedy hit him before but not being this angry and not as hard . She felt betrayed by him once again and although she may have overreacted the first time this time it was clear cut throat in her face and she couldn't hold it in any longer .
"Kennedy chill the fuck out - "
"After all this calm shit and you bring this hoe back in here being friendly and shit ! " she screams smacking him across the face again .
"Girl I swear if you hit me again " he says seriously and she slaps him across the face again causing him to grab her hands , holding it still by her sides . "Can you calm the fuck down Damn !?"
"Fuck you von I swear I'm done with yo ass you and this bitch can stay together ! "
"Von why you wanna stay with this crazy hoe ? " Kitty laughs standing up with king and kennedy lungs at her off instinct but Von pulls her back into him and holds her still while she tries to fight him off.
"Just leave man " Von struggles to say while trying restrain Kennedy .
"Yeah whatever imma leave king here just don't let her touch him " she says and sets him in the high chair before walking off .
"Ah shit " Von winces as Kennedy kicks him in his balls causing him to fall then runs after Kitty but she speeds up and walks out the door slamming it , giving Von a chance to catch up and pull Kennedy back again .
"Get the fuck off of me! " she yells elbowing him over and over but he doesn't budge .
"Kennedy calm yo ass down Bae didnt shit happen we was just talking " he attempts to explain
"All you wanna do is make me look stupid " she sighs out letting tears fall from her eyes
"Kennedy listen to me " he says and she shakes her head .
"I'm done with you " she says seriously and finally breaks loose from his grip .
"Over me sitting here discussing my son with his mother ? " he asks disgusted
" bullshit Von cause if shit was reversed you would be putting a fucking 100 on 2 ! " she yells " I can't even smile at a nigga without you flashing and you sitting in here having tea and crumpets with a hoe you fucked before ?! " she shakes her head
"It's not that fucking deep cause I don't even know how to make tea" he grits through his teeth and she sucks her teeth and huffs at him always trying to play .
"You always think shit is a joke" she frowns at him
" this shit is a joke ! " he yells " if I wanted to fuck her again I could , but I didn't and I don't want to so loose your little attitude and stop putting your hands on me before I treat yo ass "
She sniffs and shakes her head at him while wiping her face "your a bitch " she mumbles
"I'm a what ? " he questions hearing her . He just wanted to know if she was bold enough to call him out his name again .
"You heard me you bitch " she repeats making his eye twitch "I'm done with your bitch ass always kissing Kitty ass . If she wanted to take your son from you she woulda been did it but you enjoy being her lil hoe so you know what you go do that and imma go live my life bitch free without your bitch hoe ass - "
Before Kennedy can finish she feels her body being gripped tightly lifted off the ground .
"Put me down Von " she yells hitting his head and trying to make her feet touch the ground . They finally hit the floor but he continues to drag her while she kicked until they reach a room that he throws her in .
She tried to run out the door but he pushes her back and mugs her . "You can stay mad , and you can flash out hit me do whatever you want but you not fucking leaving so sit in this room and come out when you ready to talk like an adult "
"I'm not your fucking child ! " she screams at him
"I don't give a fuck " he yells back with bass making her step back a little "calm yo ass down and come see me when you finished with your lil episode ."
She looks at him and shakes her head a little while frowning "fuck you" she mumbles weakly since all her energy is drained from fighting and screaming at him .
"I'll see you later " he tells her "and you call me another bitch it's gone be a problem " he says then slams the door .
"You still a bitch !" She yells after him

Grandson ( king Von fanfic )
FanfictionThis is a sequel to 'crazy story ' After a crazy roller coaster ride last year , Kennedy attempts to cope with being without someone she fell in love deeply with , while Von has to learn how to let go. Will they let the universe decide if their b...