Chapter twenty seven: Neptuna

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A few days after the Expo-Fiasco, I was on my way to Camp Ops for a meeting with all the camp leaders.

"Well hello there." A disgustingly familiar voice purred.

"Hi." I looked up at Scott.

"Well aren't you pretty... Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

"Idiot." I muttered. He must not recognize me without makeup.

"Oh my gods," I heard a girl whisper.

Oh, great.

A crowd began to gather in a circle around Scott and I.

"Does he not know the rules?"

"What's he doing?"

"I wonder what his punishment is going to be?"

"Pretty lady, why don't you join me for a little drink some time—" Scott began.


Well, there goes his nose.

I had punched him half as hard as I could, which made his nose snap.

I pushed through the crowd and stomped up to Carrie's office. I slammed the door behind me.

"What's got you in a knot?" Reyna frowned.

"That idiot Scott was flirting with me."

Carrie growled and clenched his fists. Then he stormed out of the cabin.

Moments later, he returned with a fearful looking Scott. Slamming Scott into the wall, Carrie spoke,

"Scott Maggs. You will now be punished for breaking the most important rule at Camp Ops."

Next thing I know, Carrie is kissing me.

I hear sobs from girls and cat-calls from boys outside the cabin window.

I wrapped my arms around Carrie's neck, thankful that he would punish Scott for flirting with me.

My gods, I thought, I think this is the most aggressive kiss he's ever given me.

Carrie pulled away and glared at Scott.

"She's mine." He hissed. "Now go to the healers before I break something else."

"Wh— I thought Hot Stuff was yours!" Scott looked dumbfounded.

"I am Hot Stuff. And don't call me that." I raised an eyebrow.

"Someone escort this idiot to the healers." Carrie called out the door and pushed Scott out.

We all got situated (Carrie kept an arm around my shoulder, much to Reyna's disliking), but still Chiron didn't show up. After a few moments Apollo came in, yawning, and sat down next to Carrie. Then he sat back and closed his eyes, seemingly asleep.

"Carrie, you shouldn't have your arm around her." Reyna was cringing. "It's unprofessional."

"So what? We're at his camp. He does what he wants." I glared at her.

"All the more reason for him to look professional." Reyna glared back.

"Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty! Calm down!" Apollo pointed a palm at each of us without opening his eyes.

"Shut it." Reyna snapped.

"It's unprofessional to to tell a former god to shut up." I crossed my arms.

"Why you little—" Reyna stood up.

"Reyna." Carrie finally interrupted, placing his arm at his side. "Take your seat, please."

She huffed and sat back down.

I wished Carrie had kept his arm around me...

"Sorry I'm late." Chiron wheeled in in wheelchair form.

"No need for sorry's, we would never start without you." Carrie assured the old centaur.

"How's the demigod doing, the one who was controlled by Cronos?" Reyna questioned.

"Good, no problems at all since he was released, Poena recons we scared the titan right out of him." Carrie laughed.

"I doubt that's possible." Percy scoffed.

"You've never been in Camp Ops' prison. It's where Deimos and Phobos practice, run by Hades and Pluto, and playground for every god of fear and pain that you can imagine."

I eyed him, I'd never seen the prison before so I couldn't be sure if he was over exaggerating it. If he wasn't, that sounded terrifying. I wondered how Carrie could speak so easily of it.

"It's actually a great motivational tool, no one breaks any laws because they're so scared of the prison." Carrie shrugged, sneaking his arm around my waist.

I scooted a bit closer to Carrie, laying my head on his shoulder. He tightened his arm around my waist defensively.

Reyna, who sat across the table from us, was staring at Carrie. I narrowed my eyes.

I knew that look.

It was the look Annabeth gives Percy.

It was the look I give Carrie.

It was the look Will used to give me.

It was the look of a crush.

Chiron began. "Now, we need to discuss..."

Soon, the meeting ended. Reyna, Chiron, and everybody else left, headed back to their own camps. I was headed out, when Carrie grabbed my wrist.

"Wait." He looked nervous.

"Yes?" I asked, worried, Carrie's never nervous.

He hesitated for a moment. "...Show me the scar you got from Nyx. Please."

I blinked. Then I nodded and pulled up my shirt a bit so he could see the long, thin scar down my side.

He reached out, as if to touch it, but drew his hand back.

"I'm so sorry..." He whispered.

"Carrie, I'm fine." I let my shirt drop.

"I don't want you to become the monster that I am." He told me.

"You aren't a monster." I sighed and brought him into a hug.

"Yes I am. All my scars, my horrible past." He hugged back.

"Those just give you character." I shrugged.

Carrie burst out laughing. Real, true, happy, genuine laughing. I grinned.

"You know what?" I chuckled while he tried to stop laughing. "I think I love your laugh."

The Third Camp Trilogy: The Chaotic EndWhere stories live. Discover now