Chapter twenty four: Carrie

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"Why, do you know him?"

"Of course I know him, all rich people know each other." Neptuna raised an eyebrow when I said 'rich'. "He's more stuck up than Tony. Camp Half Blood can have him, he has a vacation home near there I think.

"If he's that stuck up, Camp Ops should take him. You can straighten him out. Gods, I don't want him at my camp."

"There is no straightening him out. He's completely incompetent. He's— Oh, hi, Scott." Carrie's face returned to his snarky expression.

"Hey Carebear, what'chu doin'?" He sat down on my other side.

Neptuna and I both cringed at 'Carebear'.

"I'm listening to the speech." I gestured to the stage, where someone from Burkin United was speaking.

"And who is this pretty lady?" Scott gave Neptuna a flirty look.

I gritted my teeth.

As did Neptuna.

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you just said that. So, Sco—"

"S-Master." He corrected.

Neptuna scoffed and tried to hide it with a cough.

"So, Scott," I continued, ignoring his interjection. "How about you come over to my mansion for some drinks after this?"

I saw Neptuna gape at me out of the corner of my eye. "You drink?" She gave me a half shocked, half disgusted look.

"Of course, we're going to get drunk off of our asses tonight, aren't we Scott?" I threw Neptuna a glance that hopefully said 'Don't worry, I don't drink.'.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Scott exclaimed, patting me on the shoulder.

Neptuna kind of relaxed, relieved. "Alright then. You two enjoy that." She shook her head, still looking kind of disgusted.

"Don't worry babe, you can chill in the hot tub, leave the men to do the heavy lifting." I smirked, hopefully she knew it was a complete lie.

Neptuna clenched her fists, not seeming to get the act. Her teal eyes flashed with something almost like hatred. She was crushing my hand in her own.

"Damn, looks like she would prefer to hang out with us!" Scott snickered. "C'mon, baby, girls should stay in the kitchen." Then he said, quietly to only me, as he reached his arm over my shoulder, "Unless she wants to hang out with me."

"She's mine, dude."

"Can I borrow her?"

"No way!"

Neptuna was watching in a shocked, horrified trance. Her fists were clenched and her eyes were burning with hatred.

He checked the clock on the wall just as she went to punch him.

"Oh, it looks like it's my turn to go up. Wish me luck, hot stuff." Scott threw Neptuna a wink.

"Go die in—" Neptuna started.

"About a hundred years because that's how we roll, right?" I cut her off before she could piss off a whole company.

"No way dude, I'm living forever!" He smirked and walked up to the stage.

"Ugh, I hate that guy." I murmured.

"You sexist little piece of—" Neptuna began.

"I'm only trying to get him on my side!" I defended myself.

"'Drunk off of our asses'?" She glared at me.

"He's an alcoholic. You know what's easier than kidnapping? Inviting a drunk to a party."

"And 'chill in the hot tub'? First off, I hate you right now. Second, since when is there a hot tub at your house? Why was I not informed of it? I love hot tubs."

I snorted. "Sorry. I have like, a bunch. One's on the deck but I think you would like the one on the roof better."

"Fine. What about 'babe'? Why don't you call me that on a daily basis?"

I blinked. "You're complaining about that?"

"Yes, I am." Neptuna glared at me. "I want you to have a pet name for me. Something other than Neptuna."

"If you haven't noticed, I don't really like nicknames."

"Neptuna is a nickname, Blondie." She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, fine, how 'bout I call you Court?" I also raised an eyebrow, knowing she would respond badly.

"That's the stupidest nickname I've ever heard."

"It doesn't matter. Tonight you're babe and whatever else we call you."

I instantly regretted that wording.

She grabbed me by the collar and growled. "You will not call me anything other than babe, if you must call me that. Got it?"

"I won't, but he might." I motioned to Scott, who was currently setting up.

"If he does, make sure I'm stopped before I kill him." Neptuna released my shirt and sat back.

"Before you start talking about murder, let's just listen to his speech." I turned to the stage.

"Fine." She grumbled and turned as well.

"So," Scott started. "I'm not really used to giving speeches."

The crowd laughed.

Are you kidding me?

This kid gives a speech every chance he gets!

"But I'll try my best." Scott started. "No one really knows much about me,"

This kid can't keep a secret for his life!

"But everyone knows about the Avenger's, right?" He looked straight at Tony, who had a confused expression on his face and a scotch in hand.

There were nods from the audience, and a few people (five in particular) jolted up, eyeing the boy.

"Well, a few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting them. They are definitely the World's Mightiest Heroes. But they weren't stronger than me. I decided to help them out, give them a few pointers and one day they took me to the side and said 'Oh Scott, please, you're stronger than all of us combined. Will you please become an Avenger so we can praise you more?' Of course, me being the humble child that I am, I helped the poor heroes out. Most of you already know my name, my company, my family, but you don't know me. I am Orion."

"What?" Neptuna was the first to speak, before a million reporters bursted into questions and pictures.

The Third Camp Trilogy: The Chaotic EndWhere stories live. Discover now