Chapter thirty three: Carrie

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I brushed my hands off and wiped dirt off of my pants. Then I glanced around at the group of unconscious people in front of me. I suddenly remembered what day it was and pulled out my dog tag. Using it like a phone, I called up some old friends to arrange a birthday surprise for Neptuna.

"Yeah, man. That's cool. Can't wait." Adam spoke on his end.

"Sweet. So we're on for tomorrow?"


"See you then." I hung up.

Next, I dialed Neptuna's number.

"Carrie? Shouldn't you be—"

"I am. And I'd just like to tell you an early happy birthday. And we have a date scheduled for tomorrow. Meet me outside your house tomorrow at noon."

"Wha— Okay...?" Neptuna sounded confused. "Where are we going...?"

"It's a surprise. Bye." I hung up with a small smile.

The next day, I hurried off to Neptuna's house in my private helicopter. I hovered it above Nep's house and lowered the ladder. Neptuna stood outside her house, gaping at me.

"Hey, birthday girl!" I smiled at her, holding out a hand to help her up. "Let's go!"

"Wh... Wha...?" She shook her head and smiled.

Then she began to climb the ladder and I helped her inside.

"Happy birthday." I kissed her cheek and pulled her over to the seating area after I shut the helicopter doors.

"Will you tell me where we're going yet?"


Finally, we reached the destination I had scheduled. We got out of the helicopter and I turned to Neptuna. She had a shocked look on her face as she stared at the five people in front of us.

"Neptuna, this is Adam Levine, James Valentine, PJ Morton, Mickey Madden, and Matt Flynn."

"M-Maroon 5?" She stared at me.

"Hey, you must be Mart-tiny's girlfriend. You a fan of Maroon 5?" Adam smiled at her.

"U-uhm... Yes, I am."

"Cool. You got any song requests?"

"You're having a concert?" She questioned.

"A private one, yeah." Adam nodded.

"Mart-tiny called yesterday, said it was 'someone special's' birthday on the 4th of June, and that she was a fan of Maroon 5." Mickey shrugged. "So he wanted a private concert for her."

"My guess is that you're his 'someone special', right?" Adam finished.

"I guess so." Neptuna gave me a sideways smile.

"Cute. You two are adorable." Matt chuckled.

"So, song requests?" Adam returned to the point.

"If it's possible, Misery. It's my favorite." Neptuna smiled.

Misery? I don't think I know that one... I frowned.

"Ah, cool. Good choice." James led the rest of the band off to set up.

"How in the hell do you know the members of Maroon 5?" Neptuna turned to me.

"Like I've told you before. All rich people know each other." I laughed. "Oh, by the way, here." I pulled a ring made of twine and teal-blue beads out of my pocket and handed it to her.

She blinked and stared at it.

"...Is... Is this a promise ring?" She seemed shocked.

"Yeah. It'll expand to different sizes and it's impossible to lose."

"...You do realize what a promise ring means, right?"

"I do."

Neptuna's face glowed bright red. "Gods, don't say those two words after giving me a ring!"

I laughed. "Got it. Here, let me." I took the ring and slid it onto her left ring finger.

"Carrie," She looked embarrassed. "That's my ring finger..."

"Exactly." I smirked and kissed her hand, before pulling her into a warm embrace.

I had enchanted the ring to always return to her hand if it was lost. And, if she tried to break up with me and throw the ring away, it wouldn't work. So, technically, she couldn't break her promise to always love me. Then again, that plan may backfire on me, if I (for some stupid reason) ever want to break up with her.

"Yo, we're all set up!" Adam called.

I sat down in front of the stage and urged Neptuna to sit next to me, but she instead sat in my lap. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her and she leaned into my chest.

The song began and Neptuna hummed along.

So scared of breaking it

That you won't let it bend

And I wrote two hundred letters

I will never send

Sometimes these cuts are so much

Deeper than they seem

You'd rather cover up

I'd rather let them bleed

So let me be

And I'll set you free

Neptuna closed her eyes and lay her head against my shoulder, still humming.

I am in misery

There ain't nobody

Who can comfort me

Why won't you answer me?

The silence is slowly killing me

Girl you really got me bad

You really got me bad

I'm gonna get you back

Gonna get you back

Neptuna frowned and stopped humming when it got to the line about 'nobody can comfort me'.

"Carrie," She whispered, her eyes closed.


"Are you depressed?"

I blinked.


"Are you depressed? I read a poem you wrote about how you thought the world would be better without you in it."

My eyes widened. Had she really? How had she found my poetry?

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