Chapter forty one: Carrie

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"Carrie!" Agnita called after me.

I had watched the video.

That's all I should say.

"What?" I snarled, spinning around.

My suit was already on, my mask secured.

"Revenge is never the answer."

"I don't care." I growled, loading an arrow.

"You will." Tony grabbed my shoulder. "Trust me, I've been down that road before and—"

"I don't care." I repeated, ripping Tony's hand from my shoulder.

"Carrie, calm down, it's going to be alright—" Virtus tried to block my path as I stormed to the door.

"Shut up." I pushed him to the side.

Virtus hit me to the side.

"We did not raise you to get revenge." He snarled.

"You raised me to save my team members, to survive quests, and to kill monsters. Now let me go so I can do something you should've done a long time ago. Virtus." I growled. "Move."

He didn't waver. "No."

I clenched my fists.

"Virtus." I warned.

He crossed his arms.

"Then I don't regret doing this." I placed a hand on his shoulder and threw him to the side, then stormed out.

I stormed through the yard, on my way to the gate. Once I reached it, though, Neptuna was leaning against it, looking down at the family picture I had given her.

I stopped. I didn't want to be harsh to her, or any more harsh than I had been.

Neptuna suddenly looked up, noticing me. Her eyes widened in what looked like terror.

"Move." I said, doing my best to sound calm.

Neptuna tried to back up, but couldn't, due to the gate behind her.

"Carrie," Angita whispered from behind me. "Calm down, you're scaring her."

I ignored Angita. How was I scaring Neptuna? I wasn't trying to scare her, and I didn't look scary.

"...C-Carrie, y-you—" She started quietly.

"Move." I repeated.

Neptuna stepped to the side, shaking. Her hand was clenched tightly on the family photo and her eyes were still wide with fear.

I continued storming away, opening a portal and making sure my mask was secure.

When I found where the men were holding my father, I smirked.

Karma's a bitch, wouldn't you agree?

I pulled out my bow and arrows and, well, I'll let your imagination fill in the rest.

It was a massacre.

A rather short fight later, I stood, carrying my unconscious step-father and started back home.

But before I could get very far Tony came flying down, his metal suit equipt.

"You're too late Tony." I called to him.

"You aren't stable Tiny." He stepped in front of me.

"What, mentally? I'm plenty stable."

"No you aren't. You've let yourself go. I did the same thing after—"

"I don't care. I'm not you."

"It doesn't matter. Tiny, just come on."

"Back off Tony."

"You've lost yourself. Neptuna is terrified. She won't talk."

There was a tinge of worry in the back of my mind, but I did my best to ignore it.

"Tony, back off."

"I won't let you get near Neptuna. You could hurt her, or someone else. You're unstable."

"I'm not going to hurt anyone. I'm completely stable."

"No, you aren't. At all."

"Just back off Tony! Or he's going to bleed out!" I yelled.

"Let me take him, I'll have Bruce take a look at him."

"If you want me to take him to a mortal hospital then fine!"

"Give him to me. You're still unstable, you might end up hurting him!"

"I am perfectly stable!" I hissed.

"No! You are not!"

"Fine!" I gritted my teeth. "If you think that lowly of me, fine. I'm unstable. I'm crazy. Fine!"

Before Tony could say or do anything else, I shoved past him and opened a portal.

Stepping through to the medical floor of the Avenger's building, I gently set my dad on a bed.

"Fix him." I snarled to Bruce before opening another portal and stepping through to the gate of my house.

Still enraged, I walked through the gate and up the path to the door. I threw it open and stomped over to the stairs. But before I could continue my irritated rampage to my room, I spotted Neptuna, trying to hide.

She was staring with wide, terrified eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, doing my best to sound calm.

"...B-blood..." She breathed. "Y-you're c-cover-red i-in b-blood-d..."

"I know." I stated flatly.

"...Y-you..." Neptuna's face grew hateful and upset. "Y-you'r-re a m-murderer..."

I didn't know how to respond, I'd killed before, many times. But this, this was different. This time, Neptuna hated me for it. I couldn't bring myself to tell Neptuna that I had killed so many before...

"G-go aw-way... I-I don't want t-to see your f-face..." She started to cry.

I took a few steps in her direction, feeling concerned, and she backed further into the corner.

"G-get away from me!" She snarled.

I sighed then retreated to the work out room, waiting for the call that my father was dead or alive.

Running on the treadmill, my mind began to wander.

Carrie, The voice of Aphrodite spoke in my mind.

"What?" I frowned.

You were totally unstable due to your step-father's kidnapping. Once you had murdered the culprits and went home, you were in an even worse mood. Then, all of a sudden, you were sad. You're not angry, you're not bloodthirsty, you're sad. What happened?

"Nothing." I growled. I didn't want the gods to know how much influence Neptuna's words had on me.

They could use it against me.

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