Chapter twenty three: Carrie

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I sat at the table in Neptuna's kitchen, talking with Neptuna's mother, Kelly. I joked with her about crazy stuff Neptuna does, like when she sings old Disney songs and pretends to be the character that sings the song in the movie.

But I had a reason, I was trying to plan her a birthday surprise.

See, last year, I had forgotten her birthday, due to personal memory loss and the declaration of war on Camp Ops. So I wanted to have a big party (Like I knew she'd love) this year to make up for it.

"On my way down!" Neptuna called from upstairs.

I stood and told Kelly goodbye, then walked out to wait at the base of the steps, in front of the screen door.

My eyes went wide, my jaw dropping.

She... She looked...

"Incredible..." I breathed.

"What?" Neptuna frowned, confused.


I shook my head as I took in her blue dress that matched her eyes. It went to just above the knee, with two straps going over one shoulder and one going over the other. Her hair was in a bun, with a single strand falling in her face.

And most surprising of all, Neptuna was wearing makeup.

"So, do I look presentable?" Neptuna smiled, I blinked.

"'Presentable'? More like amazing..." I muttered.

"I'll take that as a yes." She chuckled. "Are we taking a limo?" She pointed over my shoulder, to the limo that we would be riding in.

"Oh. Yeah, we are. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. It's fine. Let's go." She stepped out onto the porch, and I noticed the high heels she was wearing.

Neptuna never wears high heels.


Now, she was just an inch shorter than me.

Kind of unusual.

Neptuna and I got in the limo and rode to the Tech Expo. We watched a movie on the way, since it was kind of a long drive. Once we made it, we got out of the limo and onto a — Surprise, surprise — Red carpet.

Instantly, camera flashes blazed. I frowned.

"Uh, I don't think it's too professional to run down a red carpet." Neptuna pointed out. "So what do we do about the press? Do you want to pretend like I'm your sister or something like that? Or will you use the mist to make it seem like I'm not here?"

"Just follow my lead." I told her.

Moments later, as we began walking down the carpet, a reporter stuck a microphone in my face.

"Mr. Martin! Who is this girl? We see her with you all the time. Is she your girlfriend?"

I sighed. "Yes," I told the reporter. "This is my girlfriend. Her name is Neptuna. Now keep your microphone out of my face, please."

Neptuna blinked, staring at me in shock, then she grinned.

"What?" I gave her a confused look.

"Carrie," She told me quietly, still smiling. "You told the press that we're dating!"

"Yeah, I know." I chuckled, Neptuna wrapped her hand around my upper arm.

Immediately, the camera flashes got more persistent, and many people in the surrounding crowd began saying things like, "Oh my gosh! They're a couple!" and "Quick, get a picture, get a picture!"

I lead Neptuna down the carpet until we were safely inside the building. There was a table that was reserved for Martin Industries, with six seats. One for me, my plus one, my mother, her plus one, and my step-dad with his plus one.

Sadly, only two seats would be filled.

I sat down with Neptuna, who began looking around at all the shining crystal chandeliers. I spotted Tony, who was headed our way.

"Tiny!" He grinned at me, his breath reeking of scotch.

"Hello, Tony."

"I see you brought your hot girlfriend!" He gestured to Neptuna. "She looks hot as ever."

"Her name is Neptuna, Tony." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hottie it is. So, Hottie," Tony sat himself down in the empty chair next to Neptuna and threw an arm around her shoulders. "How'd you like to come sit at the Stark Industries table with me?"

Neptuna cringed. "No, but thank you for the offer, Tony."

"Alright then. I'll just stay here." Tony shrugged and took a sip of his scotch.

"If you're going to stay here, take your hands off my girlfriend." I glared at him.

"Fine, Tiny, fine." He dramatically removed his arm.

I decided to change the topic, "So, will you be doing an entrance like last expo, or more dramatic?"

Once Tony (finally) left for his table, the banquet began. Food was ordered as a few speakers from certain companies went up to give speeches. Just as the first speaker went up, I grabbed Neptuna's hand. She looked at me in surprise, but then she smiled and quietly scooted her chair over to mine so she could lean her head on my shoulder.

For some reason, I just felt it necessary to have her close. I think it was because of what had happened in the pit, when I had seen her being tortured. Or what happened with Sophia.

My hand tightened around hers.

"Carrie?" She whispered. "What's wrong? You're really tense."

"Nothing. Just wondering who the demigod is." I told her quietly.

"Okay. He should be around our age, right? Somewhere in the 12, 13, 14 region?"

"Yeah. And I think his name is Scott Maggs, of Maggs enterprises."

"Maggs... Maggs..." Neptuna narrowed her eyes and scanned the room.

Her gaze stopped.

"There." She motioned to a table over on the opposite side of the room.

"Oh gods, no. I was praying that it wouldn't be him." I shook my head.

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