Chapter thirty four: Carrie

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"Carrie, please tell me." She opened her eyes as the song went on.

Your salty skin and how

It mixes in with mine

The way it feels to be

Completely intertwined

It's not that I didn't care

It's that I didn't know

It's not what I didn't feel,

It's what I didn't show

So let me be

And I'll set you free

"No." I shook my head. "I'm not."

"Are you sure?"

I could hear the concern in her voice, though she hid it well. I could tell, internally, she was panicking.

"Yes. I'm okay." But only when I'm with you... My thoughts sighed.

The song continued.

I am in misery

And there ain't nobody who can comfort me, Oh yeah

Why won't you answer me?

The silence is slowly killing me, Oh yeah

Girl, you really got me bad

You really got me bad

I'm gonna get you back

I'm gonna get you back

I began to think about how much better I had gotten since Neptuna. The pain wasn't nearly as bad with her.

"You say your faith is shaken..." Neptuna began to sing along.

And you may be mistaken

To keep me wide awake and waiting for the sun

I'm desperate and confused

So far away from you

I'm getting where, I don't care where I have to run

"Why do you do what you do to me, yeah?" Neptuna opened her eyes again and smiled at me.

Why won't you answer me, answer me, yeah?

Why do you do what you do to me, yeah?

Why won't you answer me, answer me, yeah?

She looked beautiful as she sang, smiling at me.

As the song came to a close, she pressed her lips to mine. I gladly accepted the kiss as the last lyrics died away.

There was a catcall from the stage.

"Mart-tiny's gettin' lucky!" PJ laughed.

Neptuna pulled out of the kiss and hid her face, blushing. I snorted and hugged her. "It's alright."

"Okay..." She muttered.

A few songs later it seemed Neptuna was getting tired.

"Thanks, you guys. See ya later." I nodded to the band after they were done.

I tossed them keys and Adam caught them.

"Don't worry, we won't scratch it." He assured me.

"Don't worry about it." I laughed.

"What was that about?" Neptuna questioned.

"Oh, just a little payment."

"What was it?"

"Private concert in exchange for two months on one of my private jets. Adam mentioned to me that mine were twice the size of theirs so, when they asked for a week with the jet, I gave them two months. They insisted no longer."

"As much as I enjoy your rich-people dates, I want us to be normal for once. Tomorrow we're going to the Fulton County fair."

"Okay," I shrugged. "I'll inform the captain of the helicopter—"

"No! We're driving."

"Alright. I'll call a driver—"

"No! My mother is driving us."

"...Fine. But I'm paying."

"That's alright with me." Neptuna yawned.

"Nep, it's not even past 4 yet. How are you tired?"

"I'm human, that's how. Unlike you, ya' blonde rock."

"That's a first. Where's this coming from?"

"I dunno, I didn't have any coffee this morning." Neptuna started to doze off, still curled up in my lap.

I sighed and brushed her long hair out of her face. She kind of needed a haircut. But then again, so do I. My hair was almost long enough to put in a ponytail, and that's just a terrifying thought.

I had a flashback to Neptuna and I's first kiss. Both of them.

I remembered how heartbroken and upset she had looked after both. Then I remembered how much she smiled once we started dating.

Sighing, I glanced at Neptuna's left hand. The twine promise ring was a sign of my commitment to Neptuna, and her's to me. I would make her mine forever, someday.

I personally knew that Neptuna loved big, romantic gestures. She loved Maroon 5. She loved the beach. She loved Disney movies, Pokemon games, and blue food. She loved fast cars, poetry, and roller coasters.

And she loved me.

I gently set Neptuna in the seat next to me and pulled out a notebook. I wrote,

I'm falling

Falling for you

I hope you're falling too

I swear that I'll catch you

I've fallen

Fallen for you

I think you've fallen too

I promise that I'll catch you

I reread the poem and smiled. Maybe I should start leaving love notes for Neptuna? She would like that, wouldn't she?

I tore out the page and folded it up, then I tucked it into Neptuna's jeans pocket.

Once we reached her house, and the helicopter landed, I carried the sleeping Neptuna to her room.

On the way I passed Mrs. Chalfant, Neptuna's mother (she had remarried).

"Good evening Mrs. Chalfant." I greeted her.

"Good evening Carrie, thanks for bringing Courtney back safely." She smiled.

"It's my pleasure." I laid her in her bed and went downstairs. It was almost 8 now, and dinner would start soon.

"Carrie!" Gage yelled and jumped onto my back.

"Hey buddy." I ruffled his hair.

"Oh! Can I come over?" He questioned.

"Shouldn't you be asleep? It is past your bedtime."

"But—" He whined.

"Maybe tomorrow, buddy." I ruffled his hair again.

The Third Camp Trilogy: The Chaotic EndWhere stories live. Discover now