Chapter four: Neptuna

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"Virtus! Virtus, dangit, wait!" I cried.

Angita was holding me back, along with the assistance of Chris, Percy, Annabeth and Grace. Apollo just sat back, watching the scene unfold.

They weren't very successful in holding me back much, anyways.

Carrie, who had been stuck in bed for almost a week, had flipped me and didn't remember me.

I wasn't so much fazed by that, as I was upset that he now thought I was an evil demon.

I felt my CMD (Communication/Monitoring Device) buzz in my pocket and ignored it.

For the 20th time that day.

So what if the camps might be going to war again?

Carrie thinks I'm a creature of death!

Not only that but I was tied up, forced to watch my boyfriend be whipped until he passed out, and on top of that Nyx put some sort of curse on him!

Grace finally, finally talked me into calming down a bit. She got me a chair and a glass of lemonade. Then she cuddled up with me in a big armchair and we fell asleep.

I woke up from a dreamless rest and yawned.

"Breakfast!" Angita announced.

"Grace." I shook her.

"I'm asleep." She murmured.

"And there's food. So become awake and let's go eat it."

"It'll still exist around noon."

"Come on." I pushed her. "Or Elymas is going to eat all of it!"

"Elymas isn't even here..." Grace covered her head with her arms.

"Yeah he is. Now c'mo-o-on! I'm hungry, since I haven't eaten much in the last week. And I won't eat without you."

"Fine." She finally started to move.

"Yaaaaay!" I almost, just almost, smiled.

We went over and sat at the table.

"I'm not a morning person." Chris slammed his head onto the table.

Virtus walked by and smacked him upside the head.

"Suck it up."

I huffed, which was my current way of laughing.

Chris glared at Virtus, then looked at me.

Oh, good.

Activating flirtation in 3, 2...

"Morning, hottie. You look good with your hair all messy like that—"

"Shut it." Percy snapped. "Not only is she taken, but I hate you even more that I hate her boyfriend."

"I am her boyfriend sleeping beauty." Chris yawned, motioning to Percy's forehead.

I snorted, a real smile breaking out on my face. Then, not being able to help myself, I started laughing. In Sharpie there was 'pretty pretty princess' written on his forehead.

"Oh my gods, Chris!" I snickered.

"Is that wedding bells I hear?" Chris cupped a hand to his ear. "Are you laughing at my joke?"

"I think you hit your head a little too hard on the table." Elymas smirked.

"I agree." I nodded, my smile fading.

"Impossible, Carrie's pushed my head into the table too many times for that to've done anything."

"I don't think he's punched you hard enough. There's still something stopping oxygen from reaching your brain." Percy glared at him.

I laughed again.

"Food, everyone, come and get it!" Angita called from the kitchen. Everyone but me jumped up and rushed into the other room.

Even if I could hear the grumbling of my stomach, I still didn't want to eat. I had a personal belief that eating before everyone was at the table brings bad luck, and Carrie wasn't there.

"Ugh." Carrie stumbled to the table, clutching his head.

I gasped and stared at him, waiting for him to point his bow at me.

"Hey Neptuna." He yawned and put his head on the table like Chris had done.

I blinked.

"You know who I am?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He frowned into the table.

"Uhm... You attacked me yesterday."

"I did what?" He sat up and stared at me in shock. "Are you hurt? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Carrie." I sighed, smiling weakly. "What about you?"

"...I'm alright... I... I'm so sorry you had to suffer like that, the other day..."

I went rigid, remembering Carrie, crying out in pain. Remembering me, unable to help. I shuddered.

"...I-it's alright." I said, trying to sound calm. And failing. "Y-you're f-fine now, it's a-alright." I couldn't look at him.

Chris came over, still half asleep and tossed Carrie an apple. Then he sat down next to him and leaned on him.

"Ch-Chris, get o-off of him." I glared at Chris, still shaking and stuttering.

They both yawned in unison, Chris stretched a bit and Carrie pushed Chris away mid-yawn as he sat up.

"C-carrie?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" He was still kind of yawning.

"I love you. Thank you for being okay right now."

Carrie looked at me in surprise/confusion.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He blinked.

I slowly laid my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes, just absorbing the fact that he was okay.

"Before Percy gets back, just one...?" I questioned quietly.

I felt Carrie's shoulders shake as he chuckled then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hands off my man." Chris yawned and took a bite of his waffles.

"He's my man, idiot." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not an idiot, I'm just tired."

"Then you must always be tired." I cuddled closer to Carrie, liking how warm he was.

Chris did the same.

"My little Carrie bear." He murmured.

I heard my stomach rumble again and winced.

"Neptuna, when did you eat last?" Carrie looked down at me.

"Uhm... Last week?" I smiled sheepishly.

Carrie frowned disapprovingly.

"She said she wouldn't eat because you were hurt. I think she's too clingy. I'll take her off your hands, if you want." Chris smirked.

Carrie let out a laugh, but he still didn't smile. "Come on, let's get you some food." He stood, causing Chris to flop over, and took my hand as I stood so I wouldn't do the same.

"Okay." I nodded and walked with Carrie into the kitchen.

The second we entered, everything froze.

Then, Percy said, "Hands! Hands! No, not okay! Nope, nope!"

And Grace squealed, "Awww!"

Also, Elymas began fangirling.

My face burned red. Carrie shook his head.

"Grace, will you ever get over Neptuna and I?"

"No! Never!"

"HANDS! You cannot, absolutely can not be holding hands with my sister! No, no no!" Percy started ranting about Carrie holding my hand.

"Percy, shut up and leave them be." Annabeth sighed.

The Third Camp Trilogy: The Chaotic EndWhere stories live. Discover now