Chapter eighteen: Carrie

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Less than a day later, I stood in the throne room of the gods. I dumped Ares on the floor.

"Mission completed." I huffed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go pass out somewhere."

I opened a portal to my room, in my cabin, at Camp Ops. I stepped through and promptly passed out on my bed.

I woke up in my house, on my bed, still wearing my dogtag. My back was bandaged, my shirt was gone, and there was a glass of iced lemonade on the bedside table.

I slowly sat up, closed my eyes, and rubbed my temples, trying to remember what had happened. But with every new memory I flinched.

My eyes flew open.

I remembered.

The fear.

The screaming.


I stood and quickly made my way down the stairs.

"...C'mon! He's fine!"

"Yes, dear, he's perfectly alright. He should be down whenever he wakes up. Now, you have to eat something... You haven't eaten in two weeks!"

I rounded the corner and stopped.

Angita was trying to get Neptuna to eat, while Grace tried to cheer her up. Neptuna was leaning against the table with her arms crossed, gaze focused on her feet.

"Neptuna." I breathed.

She looked up, her dismal expression fading.

I rushed over to her, Grace and Angita stepping out of the way.

Gently taking Neptuna's beautiful, heavenly face in my hands, I kissed her. She was tense, but relaxed once our lips met, her arms wrapping behind my neck to hold me close.

Then she became tense again and gently pushed me away. I frowned.

Her face was bright red, and she was trying to hide it.

Carrie, you're shirtless. What did you expect? Grace tapped.


I chuckled.

"See, we told you, he's alright!" Angita gestured to me. "Now, you have to eat!"

"Fine... I'll have a snack, but I have to get going. I have multiple important meetings..." Neptuna muttered.

It was so good to hear her voice again. I missed her so much.

I took her at arm's length and scanned her up and down, examining her as best I could.

"So you're okay? You aren't hurt... at all?"

"Why would I be?" Neptuna gave me a confused look.

"Nothing, just... Clytius... he— showed me... It— It's nothing."

"Clytius...?" Neptuna started to look concerned. "Carrie, what happened?"

"Nothing. Really." I hugged her, I didn't want her to notice how much my hands were shaking, how relieved I was that she was okay.

"Carrie, you're shaking..." She whispered to only me.

"I'm fine." I tightened my hug and buried my face in her neck, unable to stop shaking, unable to say what had happened.

"Carrie..." She was hugging back, but her face was pink and she looked worried.

"I can't. I-I just can't." I spoke pleadingly. "Please, don't make me."

"...O-okay..." She stuttered, sounding surprised. "I-I won't..."

"Thank you." I kissed her again, still reveling in the fact that she was unscathed.

I never thought I'd say this, but thank you Venus and Aphrodite for meddling in my life.

Thank you for giving me Neptuna, for leading my heart to her.

Thank you for making me kiss her, that night in my cabin, when she asked if I was Roman or Greek, and she somehow figured out that I was both.

Thank you for erasing her memory and sending her to Camp Ops.

Thank you for giving me love.

But I soon had to betray my love's trust.

I had to find Sophia, my ex-girlfriend who tried to kill me.

The Third Camp Trilogy: The Chaotic EndWhere stories live. Discover now