2. broken and wrecked

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You arrive at Hogwarts and go to the Great Hall for the big "Welcome Back" feast. You sit down at the Slytherin table next to Alice. You turn to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron waving and smiling. You smile and wave back.

Dumbledore: Attention! Settle down! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts. For the first years, welcome, we are pleased to have you here. As a warning, remember that The Forbidden Forest is off limits to all students. As for returning students, welcome back! This is going to be a splendid year. A year for change. New memories. New people. New friendships. Now, let the feast begin.

You all turn to the table and see mounds of food on all the plates. You immediately dig in and begin eating while you talk to other school mates about summer and this year to come. You just finish your chicken when something catches your eye, a note falls on the plate in front of you. You turn to look at Alice as she smiles and urges for you to open it.

Meet me @ 10 at our spot -CD

Alice: Are you going to go and see him?
You: I don't know. I got a bad feeling about this. Him and Cho got really close this summer.
Alice: I know, they were so whispery and giggly when I passed them on the express.

You both turn around and see Cho staring at Cedric smiling. You roll your eyes and turn around.

Alice: Do you think something is going on between them?
You: I hope not. But I'm going to find out tonight.

You continue to eat when a carrot hits you.

"The hell!"

You look up and see Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle laughing. You glare as Draco turns towards you.

Draco: Oh MY gOsH, I Am sO SOrrY.
You: Real mature, Malfoy.
Draco: So a little birdy told me that you were obsessing over me this summer. It's cute but creepy.
You: You fucking wish.
Draco: Oh no, have I made the princess mad.

You roll your eyes and continue eating. You stare at the carrot on the table before you grab it and throw it back at him, hitting him in the face. You and Alice burst out laughing.

Draco: You'll pay for that, Pottah!
You: Yeah, okay.

You roll your eyes, again and begin to think about what's going to happen with Cedric tonight.

Later, you get ready to go and meet Cedric. You put on your favorite green plaid skirt, a black button up shirt and put a headband in your hair to keep it out of your face. You don't bother putting on makeup because who are you trying to impress. You leave the room and go to your spot.

You approach him and see him standing there, but he's not alone. You get closer and see him kiss Cho right in front of you.

"Oh hell no!"

You: You're kidding me right?

He quickly turns around, shocked as he sees how pissed off you are.

Cedric: Oh shit.
You: Oh shit is right. You- you have been cheating on me!
Cho: You said you told her.
Cedric: I was going to tonight.
You: Seems like I wasn't supposed to find out at all.
Cedric: It hasn't been long, just since the middle of summer.
You: And that's supposed to make it better?

"How could he do this to me?" your heart questions.

Cedric: Yeah?
You: You are un-fucking-believable. Some Hufflepuff.
Cedric: Don't act so fucking innocent. I know you have feelings for Draco. Everyone sees it. I certainly did.

"That's hilarious."

You: You're kidding right. Draco Malfoy. The one who hates me and my family.
Cedric: No wonder you're a Slytherin. You play games just like he does.
You: Cedric! I'm not the one who has been cheating the entire summer.
Cedric: But it wasn't the whole summer-
You: Just shut the fuck up! Clearly we are done. Don't ever fucking talk to me again. Both of you.

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