74: hogwarts

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You: We need to think of a plan, and fast.

You turn as a guard casts a spell at you, almost hitting your face. You jump back and turn to everyone.

Hermione: Well, I have a plan, but it's completely barbaric.

You watch as Hermione destroys the railing before jumping onto the dragons back. She turns towards you, trying to hold on.

Hermione: Well!?

You all look at each other before you shrug and jump onto the dragon with Hermione followed by Harry, Cedric and then Ron. You turn and destroy the chains that the dragon is hooked to. The guards stop firing spells and watch in awe as the dragon begins to fly away. Knocking all of them over with its tail, the dragon heads for the top of the cave.

You: Hold on, we're about to break through the floor.
Ron: What!?

The dragon bursts through the floor of the bank creating a great hole in the entrance. You smile and watch all the goblins run for their lives away from their desks. The dragon continues to fly, breaking the glass of the roof and out of gringotts. As you all escape, you smile and hug Hermione tight.

You: Hermione, you genius.

She laughs and screams of joy as you all make your way out of Diagon Alley.

Ron: So, now where are we going?

Hermione shrugs.

Cedric: Look, it looks like we're going down.
Harry: And look there's water, we can jump when we get closer.
Ron: When!?

As you are about 4 feet from the water you all jump off the dragon and into the water. The water is cool and dark, you try and swim to the top when you begin seeing images. Images of Voldemort, he looks angry. Then you see Ravenclaws flag and then Voldemort screaming. You quickly swim to the surface and catch your breath. Cedric is immediately at your side as you choke on water.

Cedric: Ana? Are you alright?

You nod and look at Harry as he chokes on some water too. You all swim to the bank to dry off and get out of the water.

You: He knows we broke into the bank. He knows we have the horcrux. And I think I know where the another one is.
Hermione: What, how does he know?
Harry: He got into our heads.
Cedric: What? I thought you were....
You: We've tried but sometimes we can't help it.

Hermione pulls out clean clothes from her bag as you all dry off and change.

Hermione: So where is the other horcruxes?
You: At Hogwarts.
Hermione: What!
Ron: We can't go there. It will be crawling with death eaters.
Cedric: Not to mention that Snape is the headmaster.
You: We don't have a choice.
Hermione: Then how do we get in.
Ron: It's not like we can waltz through the front door.

You and Harry look at each other before he smiles.

Harry: We can go through Hogsmeade. We can use the old witch passageway.

Hermione nods and Ron sighs.

Cedric: To Hogsmeade we will go.

Draco's POV:
Blood. There's so much blood. The bodies are piled all on the floor. He's mad. Beyond mad. I watch as his feet turn red with each step. I watch as they stain with the blood of the goblins. Nagini follows, slithering her body through the thick red liquid. He's talking to her, whispering in parseltongue. I can't make out what he's saying but he must be talking about her. How she broke into gringotts and stole a horcrux. How she is one step closer to victory. I knew she could do it. Suddenly, the front doors open and two snatchers walk in. They're smiling with glee as they pull the Potters in, chains on their wrists. Voldemort smiles and walks over to them as they examine the scene. Lily Potter's eyes fill with tears as she looks around the room at all the bodies.

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