13. wounds and scars

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About an hour goes by before Draco slowly walks through the door, tired and sweaty. He notices you on the bed and immediately has a smile on his face. He walks over to the bed and lays down next to you on his back. You stop writing and look at him as he closes his eyes and takes a couple breaths before turning to you and kissing you. You kiss back with a huge smile on your face.

Draco: You're wearing my sweatshirt.
You: Your clothes are my clothes now.
Draco: That's fine wear what you want.

He stares at you as you smile and go back to your homework. He watches you write and read with a smile on his face the whole time.

You: Can I help you?
Draco: You're beautiful.
You: Well thank you.
Draco: Did anything happen with Cedric?
You: Well he apologized for his behavior and attempted to ask for forgiveness. Then he said that he would always be there.
Draco: And did you? Forgive him?
You: No, of course not. I just thanked him and we said goodnight.
Draco: Promise me you won't ever forgive him and leave me.
You: Draco that's ridiculous how cou-
Draco: Promise me....
You: I promise. I love you too much to walk away that easily.

You look at him and he places a strand of loose hair behind your ear smiling at you. You lean down and kiss him before you pull away and make a disgusted face.

Draco: What?
You: You stink. Go shower.
Draco: Do I?

He pulls you towards him and hugs you rubbing all his sweat on you. You laugh as he tickles your ribs and wipes his sweaty head on your neck.

You: Draco I just showered.
Draco: Great lets go take one together, you'll be extra clean.

You look at him and he smirks. You roll your eyes and point to the bathroom.

You: Go shower. I need to finish my homework, I'm almost done.
Draco: Ugh, fine, don't join me then.

He kisses you one more time before going into the bathroom to shower. You finish your homework and decide to go to the bathroom and wait for Draco. You sit on counter and listen to the water as it stops. He steps out with water droplets sliding all the way down his gorgeous body. You can't help but stare at him. He grabs a towel and wraps it around his body before walking over to you. He runs his hands up your thighs as he gets closer to you and you wrap your arms around his neck. You look at his face and notice the wound on his cheek. You grab is face to look at it in the light.

Draco: Uhm, ow.
You: Draco, this needs to be cleaned.
Draco: It will be fine.

You climb off the counter and go into the under cabinet to grab q-tips and alcohol. You point to the toilet for him to sit. He rolls his eyes but obliges. You walk over to him as you dip the q-tip in alcohol. Draco puts his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him as you set the alcohol down on the counter. He runs his hands from your back to your waist, to your ass, to your thighs not taking his eyes off your face. You grab his face and turn it into the light so you can see. You lightly clean the wound. He flinches and shuts his eyes. You pull the q-tip away and look at his face.

You: I'm sorry.
Draco: Nah baby, you're good, I just have to get used to it.

You place the q-tip back on the wound and clean it. Draco doesn't take his eyes off of your face still rubbing his hands up and down your body. Once, your done you throw the q-tip away and kiss his cheek. You put the alcohol away as he walks out of the bathroom to get into grey sweatpants. You walk out of the bathroom and see him sitting on the bed. You climb onto his lap and straddle his thighs. He puts his hands on your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck.

Draco: Hello my darling.
You: Hi.

You lean down and kiss him passionately. You can feel him smile before you pull away. Draco moves his hands to your thighs and rubs them as you run your hands up and down his chest.

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