39. amortentia

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A/N: I republished this chapter because I decided to add a few things. So if you're reading this for the second time, some things will be new.

TW: This chapter contains self harm and use of drugs

Alice rushes into the bathroom and finds you laying on the floor. She walks over and kneels beside you as you don't move.

Alice: Here, drink this.

She hands you a blue bubbly liquid that looks like soap.

You: What is this?
Alice: It's a potion. It's supposed to help your stomach when you can't eat. I can't believe I just thought of this now.

You sit up and take the bottle from her and unscrew the cap, inhaling the scent of the liquid. It smells of bubbles and mint. You look at her and scrunch your nose.

Alice: It's either that or real food. You chose.

You sigh and roll your eyes before quickly downing the potion. You shut your eyes as you feel it slowly go down your throat and fall into your empty stomach. You sit there and wait for it to come back up but it doesn't. You slowly open your eyes and look at Alice.

You: It didn't come back up...
Alice: See!

You reach over and hug her.

You: Thank you, Alice.
Alice: It's what I'm here for.

She pulls away and stands before helping you up. You stare at the empty bottle before putting the cap back on.

Alice: Now, with this potion you will be able to eat real food because it takes in the substances. I have a couple more of these in our dorm. If you drink one every day, you should be back to eating normally in a few days.

You nod as you hand her back the empty bottle. Just as she puts it in her bag, you hear students rushing past the bathroom, telling you class is about to start. She smiles at you and you roll your eyes as you slowly follow her out of the bathroom. As you do, you bump into Cedric as he's walking to his class.

Cedric: Ana, how are you doing today? You look better.
Alice: She's fine Cedric.
Cedric: She can speak for herself.

You roll your eyes and look up at him and attempt a smile.

You: I'm fine.
Cedric: Great, so will you be at the party?
Alice: Of course she will be.

You quickly look at her and raise your eyebrow. Alice leans over and whispers in your ear...

Alice: It's an excuse to get totally wasted and blackout, to not feel anything.

She pulls away and smiles at you.

Alice: It will be fun.

You roll your eyes and turn to Cedric.

You: Yes, I will be there.
Cedric: Excellent. Well, I will see you there.

He walks off and Alice scoffs.

Alice: You know, he has been really clingy lately... a little more than usual...
You: I don't know what game he's playing but, it's not going to get me back.

You and Alice hurry to potions class with Professor Slughorn. You open the door and everyone turns to stare at both of you.

Slughorn: Ah, Ms. Potter, so glad you could join us, come, come.

You nod and walk into class and join the other students standing around him in a circle. You turn to see Hermione, smiling at you.

Slughorn: Now, can anyone tell me what this potion is?

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