41. sunrise

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You begin pacing as you grow anxious to see what Alice is up to. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as you slightly chew on it, anxiously. The moon is still out and full, illuminating the meadow beautifully. The freshly bloomed flowers standing tall and blowing in the soft summer breeze, spread a beautiful aroma. You hear something move from behind the bushes so you stop pacing and turn towards it. You release your bottom lip as you see the blonde haired boy limp from behind them, holding his stomach as he slowly walks over to you. He sees you and sighs before stopping a few inches in front of you. You bring your hands in front of your body, tangling your fingers together. Draco looks at your fingers in front of you before looking at your face, his blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

Draco: So, is it true?
You: Is what true?
Draco: Is what Cedric did true?

You look at him, a little confused.

You: How did you-
Draco: Blaise told me everything...

He looks around at the meadow and flowers before turning back to you.

Draco: So, is it?

You don't say anything and slowly nod your head before looking down at your feet. Draco sighs before he wipes his mouth and begins to pace.

Draco: I am going to fucking kill that fucking son of a bitch.

You don't say anything as you let his anger rush out. After a few minutes of non-stop swearing and pacing, Draco takes a deep breath and turns to you.

Draco: When did you find out?

You pick up your head and look at him as he stands there, his hand still holding his stomach.

You: A little bit before you did.

Draco slowly nods as he watches your facial expressions.

Draco: Why did he tell you?
You: He was wasted and baked and Alice poured veritaserum in his drink.

Draco doesn't say anything as you lift your head up and turn towards the sky. Draco slowly walks over to you, by your side, and looks up with you.

Draco: Everything makes sense now.
You: Yeah, it does.

You both stand there for a few moments as you watch the moon slowly fall as sunrise approaches.

Draco: But that doesn't change the fact that you still left, without believing or trusting me. You fucking walked out the door. What do you expect me to do? Forgive you? I am sick and tired of getting hurt by you! I hate this! I let one fucking person in and they rip me apart. Am I a game? A puzzle that you can't solve? Sorry to break it to you Pottah, but I'm not a fucking game you can play around with, you will regret it.
You: It's not all my fucking fault, okay!

Draco turns to you, his eyebrow raised and nostrils flared in anger. You raise your eyebrow in confusion.

You: What do you mean I will regret it?
Draco: Self-explanatory.

You flare your arms out as you let your anger erupt from inside.

You: Then do something! You say I will regret it, but you have yet to do something! So do it!

Draco stares at you as your face is red in anger.

You: Hate to break it to you Malfoy, but whatever you plan to do, can't hurt me. I'm already at the point of numbness. I can't feel shit! So go ahead, break my heart. Rip it to pieces. Burn it in hell. Do whatever the fuck you want. But just know, whatever you do, can't hurt me.

Draco sighs and bites the inside of his cheek.

Draco: Why the hell are you in so much pain? You're the one that walked away.

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