32. taste like whiskey

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You and Alice reach the final stairs down to the party. The lights flashing, illuminating the stairs, and the music booming. You both look at each other before turning towards the stairs and both descending them together. You immediately feel everyone's eyes on you guys as you both take the final step. You both look up and see that everyone is looking at you two.

Alice: Piss off. Go back to your partying.
You: Don't stop on our fucking account.

Everyone quickly turns away and you both walk over to the bar when Crabbe and Goyle walk over to you. You look at Alice and both roll your eyes.

Crabbe: Hola mamas.
Goyle: You both look fine.
Crabbe: Mighty fine.
You: Don't you guys have dicks to suck?
Goyle: No. But if you're offering...
You: Oh...I don't like dicks that have been in other guys mouths.
Alice: Or ones that have been up another guys asshole.

You both smile before walking away leaving them speechless.

Crabbe: We're not fucking gay!
Goyle: Yeah!

You both laugh as you walk over to Blaise and Draco. You notice Draco is in a black button up with some of the buttons already undone. He has his black dress pants and shoes.
"Fuck, he's a sex god."

Alice: Told you Draco is a fucking sex god.
You: Alice! You have Blaise!
Alice: Oh I know that, but it doesn't hurt for a women to look. I mean look at him. The first years are drooling over him.

As you approach them Draco turns to you and his jaw drops, looking at what your wearing. You smile as you watch Blaise embrace Alice.

Blaise: Damn, babe, your fucking gorgeous. Fuck.
Alice: Thank you.

Draco looks around before grabbing you and pushing you up against a wall in a corner so no one can see its you.

Draco: Do you realize how fucking sexy you look?
You: Do I? I didn't notice.
Draco: I'm going to have to fucking kill every guy here.
You: I guess so.

Draco smirks before leaning down to kiss you. You kiss him back and wrap your arms around him as he pushes you harder against the wall. You bite his bottom lip before gently pushing him off, giggling, as you walk away to go and find Harry. You see him on the dance floor trying to impress Ginny with his horrible dancing skills.

You: Harry, your dancing is awful.
Ginny: Tell me about it.
Harry: It is not. Your just jealous.
You: Of what, not being able to dance like a worm?

You and Ginny burst out laughing as Harry stands there staring.

Harry: Oh yeah, hahaha, very funny.
Ginny: It was pretty funny.
Ron: What is everybody laughing about?
Harry: Nothing.
Ron: Oh, hi Ana.
You: Hey...

You turn your head and spot Draco staring at you with a scowl on his face as Blaise and Alice are trying to talk to him. You smile at him and wink before turning back to Ron, Harry and Ginny.

You: Where's Hermione?
Harry: I think she said she had to study more? She said Fred was helping her because he already took the subject. I don't know.

"Oh Harry, you innocent thing."

You: Oh, okay.
Ron: You look lovely, Ana.
You: Oh, thanks.
Ginny: Harry, will you dance with me?
Harry: Of course.

They both leave to leave you and Ron alone together. You both stand there nervously before Ron finally breaks the silence.

Ron: Hey, I know it's been a couple months since I asked you out but...
You: About what you're going to say, I don't think I could go out with you. I'm flattered but I just don't really see anything there, you know? And it would be awkward if it ended badly because you're my brothers best friend and all.

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