33. valentine

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You: Draco! My shoes!
Draco: Alice get Ana's shoes before you leave!

Alice stares at you two as Draco drags you up the stairs. She then realizes and smirks, watching as you stumble up the stairs. Once you get in the Slytherin common room, Draco picks you up and swings you over his shoulder as he carries you to his room. He kicks the door open before throwing you on the bed. He takes out his wand to close and lock the door. He casts a silencing spell on the room before turning to you. You lay there and slowly open up your legs as he stares at you, your dress slowly sliding up your thighs.

Draco: Fuck me...

He climbs on the bed, grabs your ankles, and pulls you towards him. He slips his hands up your dress and pulls down your underwear throwing them to the side. He takes off his black shirt while you undo his belt, throwing them to the side near your underwear. He leans down and begins kissing your neck as he runs his hands up your thighs. You fiddle with his button and zipper before finally getting it and pulling his pants down. He stands up and kicks them off before turning you so your sitting on the edge of the bed. He smirks as he runs his hands up your dress and pulls them over your hips. He gets down to his knees, placing your legs on his shoulders as he leans down and begins running kisses up your legs. He slowly moves his way up until his face is inches away from you. He exhales so you can feel his cool breath on your sensitive bud before he leans forward. He begins to slowly suck on your clit watching you as you roll your eyes and let your head fall back. He smirks and moves down to in between your folds, licking and sucking. He pulls away and teases you as his tongue very slowly runs up your folds to your clit. You moan and place your hand on his head, pushing him forward. You feel him smile against you before feeling his cool, whiskey breath.

Draco: Easy, darling. Don't be desperate.
You: Then don't fucking tease me.

He smirks before he begins lick and suck again. You feel his warm tongue run up and down your folds as he moves around. You feel your stomach clench and twist telling you you're close. Draco notices, so he begins to lick and suck faster.

You: Good....god....

He smirks as your legs begin to twitch as your about to reach your climax.

Draco: That's it, cum on my tongue.

He sucks on you one more time before you moan and cum all over his tongue. He licks and sucks all of it up before sliding you back against the bed and standing up. He motions for you to sit up and so you oblige. He moves his hands to the back of your dress and slowly pulls down the zipper. You dress falls down from your breasts revealing your bra. Draco's eyes move to them, looking over every detail. You put your arms up in the air so he can remove your dress. He smirks as he slowly grabs the end of it and pulls it over your head, throwing it to the corner of the room. He slowly runs his hands back down your arms to your back to unclip your bra. As he does, your fingers are slowly running up and down his toned abs, causing his stomach to jump at your soft touch. You wrap your fingers around his boxers, using your feet to push them down to his ankles. He throws your bra to the side before pushing you back against the bed, stepping out of his boxers, and climbing on top of you.

Draco: You're going to scream so fucking loud.
You: Perfect...

Draco leans down to passionately kiss you before he shoves his dick into you, causing your breath to catch. You quickly grip the sheets as begins to thrust his hips, making sure to hit deep inside you. Your hand moves to your mouth as you try to muffle your screams. He takes your hands and places them above your head, causing you to be unable to muffle your sounds.

Draco: Scream your fucking lungs out.

He thrusts into you so hard, you do. He laughs a little before letting go of your hands letting you touch his body. You move your hands to his back to dig your nails into his skin. He moans and groans as your nails scrape all the way down to his lower back. He begins to thrust harder and faster causing you to scream your moans. He moves his head to your neck to scatter hickeys and kisses everywhere. As he continues to thrust deeper into you, you feel tears beginning to well up in your eyes. Draco notices and moves a hand to your cheek and wipes them away, slowing down his pace. You don't want him to stop so you lift your hips up to meet his. Your hands on his back pushing him closer and into you. He smirks before thrusting into you harder, causing you both to moan. You notice Draco move down to his elbows to get closer to your body. As his stomach is resting on yours you can feel his stomach churn and twist, telling you he's close. You smile and move a hand to his face to wipe away his hair. You slowly lean forward, your lips just touching his and say....

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