35. room of requirement

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You wake up to the sound of soft tapping on a window. You lift your head up and see a bird tapping on Draco's window, a letter in it's mouth. You rub your eyes and realize it's your bird, Harvard. You look to the side of you and see Draco still dead asleep, his arm wrapped around you. You gently unhook his arm and swing your legs off the bed.
"Here goes nothing."
You shut your eyes and stand up, waiting for the pain to rush to you. Nothing. You open your eyes and then giggle a little.
"Thank you, Alice."
You hurry over to the window and open it, letting Harvard fly in and sit on the chair. You walk over to him and take the letter out of his mouth.

You: Hello, handsome. Getting a lot of fresh air?

He nibbles your finger a little as you stroke his feathers. You walk over the table and sit down in a chair to open your letter. You immediately know its from your mother and father because of the different writing.

Hello our darling Ana.
We just wanted to write and check in on you. You haven't written to us since Christmas. We hope you are doing all right. Harry wrote to us saying he was worried. Now, don't be mad at him, he is just worried and caring for you. Please write to us when you get the chance. We can't wait to see you in June. We miss you and Harry terribly.
We will be working on your flying this summer. Most definitely.
I swear your father...you don't have to. He really wants you on a team. Anyway, we both miss you terribly and can't wait for you to come home. Please write to us my lovely. We love you.
Very much.
Come home soon.
-Love Mum and Dad

You smile a little before standing up and walking over to your bag on the couch to grab your quill and some parchment. You walk back to the table and begin writing back.

Hello Mum and Dad,
I apologize for not writing soon. I have just been swamped with studies.

"And other things."

I miss you both so much, I can't wait for summer. I'm not mad at Harry, he already told me about telling you. He made up with sorry strawberries. (They were delicious.) And Dad, I have been practicing, I'm getting better. I miss you guys so much and can't wait to see you in June. I love you both.

You let the ink dry before folding it up and walking over to Harvard. You stroke his feathers one more time before handing him the letter.

You: You know where to.

He flaps his wings before flying out of the window and into the brightly lit morning. You lean your head out the window and watch him fly away into the distance, disappearing into the bright sunrise. You shut the window before you let all the warm air out and climbing back into bed. Draco hasn't moved an inch, still dead asleep. You smile and move his hair to the side to see his whole face. You lean down and place a soft kiss on his forehead. You decide to go down to breakfast so you get dressed in a pair of leggings and one of Draco's plain gray hoodies. You throw your hair up in a messy bun and slip on your slippers before walking down to the great hall. You can smell the aroma of the food as you turn the corner. Instead of walking into the great hall you walk into something. You fall back to the floor and rub your head.

Cedric: Oh my I'm so sorry. I must have turned the corner too quickly and...Ana?
You: Oh, Cedric. You gave me a fucking whiplash.
Cedric: I'm sorry.

He holds out his hand and helps you up. You smile a little as you brush yourself off.

Cedric: Uhm...how are you?
You: Fine. You?
Cedric: I'm alright.

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