71: run

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A/N: Guys, thank you all for being so patient with me, I am trying to write as fast as I can. I'm hoping I will have more time to write for you as winter break approaches. I love you all!

You and Hermione are sitting outside by the fire, wrapped in blankets waiting for the boys to return. Hermione is flipping through the book Dumbledore gave her as you stare at the fire.

Hermione: Ana?

You turn to her.

You: Yes?

Hermione shifts and hands the book to you. She's pointing at this symbol that is on the side of the page.

Hermione: This symbol has been on a few of the pages. I don't know what it means but it was written into the book.

As you continue to stare, you remember seeing the symbol before.

You: Wait, Luna's father was wearing a necklace that had that symbol.
Ron: That's the symbol of the three brothers.

You and Hermione jump at the sound of Ron's voice.

You: How did you find us?
Hermione: I took the barrier down a little while ago.
Ron: I would have found you, with or without the barrier. I just followed Hermione's sweet, perfume, scent.

She rolls her eyes as you gag.

Hermione: You're too cheesy.
Ron: It's true.

He leans down and kisses her before he pulls away.

Ron: We found something...

Ron drops a sword down on the ground. You stand and examine it before you turn to him, a big smile on your face.

You: Is that?!
Ron: Yes.

Hermione stands and gasps as she stares at the sword of Godric Gryffindor. You look up and see Harry and Cedric walking up the hill to the tent.

You: You guys found the sword!?
Cedric: Not only did we find the sword...
Harry: ...but we also did this.

Harry grabs your hand, reaches into his pocket and places the broken locket bits into your palm. Your smile grows as you stare at the broken locket, shredded to bits and pieces.

You: We're one step closer...
Harry: We are going to win.
You: I've been waiting to do this...

You smile as you toss the pieces into the fire, watching them burn.

"Rot in hell!"

Hermione: I think I might have also found a lead!

She smiles and holds up her book.

Hermione: I've noticed this symbol repeatedly written along the pages and Ron told me it was the symbol of the three brothers.
Cedric: I know that story. That symbol is the story. See....

He points at the different parts of the symbol as he tells the story.

Cedric: ...this is the elder wand, most powerful wand in the world...this is the resurrection stone...and that is the invisibility cloak.
You: As in fathers cloak?
Ron: Why would that be a lead Hermione? We already have the cloak.

She looks up at him, annoyed.

Hermione: Dumbledore gave me this book and these symbols were written in the margin. It has to mean something.
You: Could he be telling us that we need to find the stone and wand? In order to kill Voldemort?
Harry: No, he wouldn't have us completely change our path to go and look for them when we need to find the rest of the horcruxes.
Hermione: It has to be significant to something...
Cedric: Could he be warning us that he is possibly looking for those items?

You all hear rustling in the distance and suddenly three snatchers appear behind the trees. They can see you all. You all have been caught.

Snatcher 1: Actually, he already has one of them.
Snatcher 2: Picked it up last night off Dumbledore's dead, rotten body.

The other snatcher laughs.

Snatcher 3: You can run but you can't hide.

You all pull out your wands and watch as they slowly approach you. There's nothing that you all can do, except for one thing that comes to your mind. To run. Without saying a word you bolt in the opposite direction of the snatchers. You quickly turn to see the others are following you, the snatchers not far behind. You run as fast as you can, letting your legs carry you through the deep woods. You duck as a spell gets thrown at you.

Harry: Don't stop running!

The air is cool against your face as you pass all the trees and bushes. Running for what seems like miles, you finally gain distance between the snatchers. Not paying attention to what's around your feet, you get tripped up by a tree root.

You: Of fucking course!

But when you look down you see chains wrapped around your feet. Hermione sees you tangled, stops running and turns to Harry.

Hermione: Sorry, Harry.

She hits him with a spell which begins to make his face start swell so he is unrecognizable. Cedric spells the chains so they melt away but it's too late, the snatchers caught up to you all.

Snatcher 1: Giving up already.

You look around trying to find an escape but you're surrounded, there's more of them now.

Cedric: Oh you had fun...don't deny it.
Snatcher 2: Watch your mouth boy!

Cedric smirks. The snatcher grabs Harry and picks him up, holding his wand close.

Snatcher 2: Now, if any of you try anything, I'll cut his head off.

One of the snatchers bursts out laughing as he grabs Hermione.

Hermione: Get off of me!
Snatcher 3: Oh don't struggle, my love, you're only making it worse.

Ron quickly runs to get Hermione but is hit by a spell, knocking him to the ground.

Snatcher 3: Seems your little boyfriend didn't get the memo.

You: Take us wherever you want. Just don't hurt any one of them.
Snatcher 1: Or what?
You: Oh, you know exactly what.

The snatchers laugh.

Snatcher 4: Looks like we got a tough one.

The first snatcher picks up Ron and smiles.

Snatcher 1: Boss is gonna love you, little girl.

A snatcher comes up from behind you and grabs you with a tight grip as another grabs Cedric. The snatcher pushes your hair away from your ear and whispers...

Snatcher 4: Looks like your little run, is over.

You chuckle.

You: We'll see about that.

The snatcher smirks and pulls away, his grip still tight on you.

Cedric: So, where we going boys?
Snatcher 1: Oh, we think you'll all love it.

He smirks as he stares at you, winking as his grip tightens around Ron.

"Now this just completely fucks up our plan."

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