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You can't help the giddy feeling you feel in your stomach as you return to Diagon Alley. Harry and Alice are still standing outside The Leaky Cauldron, waiting for your parents. You walk over them, trying to keep the smile off your face.

Alice: Your back!?
You: Yes, unfortunately.

Harry rolls his eyes and leans up against the building. Alice studies your face, your rosy cheeks, your smile. She gasps and jumps up and down, turning giddy with you.

Alice: You made love!?
You: Quiet down!
Alice: Oh my Merlin you totally did, your face gives you away! Aww! That is so sweet!
Harry: Ugh, that's disgusting. I'm going to barf in my mouth.

Alice stops her bouncing and turns to him, glaring at him.

Alice: Butt-out scarhead.

He doesn't say anything and sticks his tongue out at her, she does it back. Your parents walk out of the bar with Lupin following behind.

James: Ready to go home?

You all nod, your feet tired from standing at the party.

Lily: Good. We have lots of planning and setting up to do tomorrow for the wedding.

You all nod again and join hands to apparate back to the safe house. The whole way there you can't stop thinking about Draco and your perfect moment.

I can't help the smile on my face. What a moment. We made love again. This time, it was definitely more intimate. Even though we were rushed by time, it was still a perfect moment. Walking down the street to my house, I can't help but relive the moment over and over again in my mind. As I turn into the driveway, I sigh and keep thinking of our moment.

Nothing will ruin my mood. Not now.

As I walk into the house I see mother and father standing in the entry way, waiting for me. I shut the door behind me and meet their faces. Mother's is calm, contained, while fathers is pissed off and angry.

Draco: Let me explain....
Lucius: Explain what! That you embarrassed our family and your fiancé to run away?

That's what he thinks I did? What a joke.

Draco: I'm sorry, father, that I embarrassed everyone, but I never wanted any of this. You never asked me...

I'm cut off by my fathers hand making contact with the side of my cheek.

He just fucking slapped me?!

Narcissa: Lucius!
Lucius: It had to be done Cissa. Our boy needs to learn his tone. And some manners.

I rub my cheek as my fathers nostrils flare in anger.

Lucius: You will be married to that girl, end of discussion.

He sighs, straightens his suit and forces a smile.

Lucius: We have a meeting in the dinning room. Come.

I don't deny and follow my father into the dinning room where the death eaters and Voldemort wait.

Voldemort: Ah, Draco. I see you have returned.

I force a smile and hold my wand near my mark. I whisper the spell to reappear my mark, so I won't get killed. I sit down next to Bellatrix and mother as Voldemort clears his throat.

Voldemort: Now that all my friends are here, we have more things to attend too. The Weasley's are having a wedding for lovely Billy and Floor.
Draco: It's Fleur, sir.

Can't Have You | D.M. | 18+Where stories live. Discover now