51. party time

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A/N: This is the dress you wear to the party

The rest of the week has been hectic and stressful with lots of studying for the OWLs. Draco has constantly been complaining that you have been spending too much time studying and not with him.

Draco: You don't like me anymore.
You: That's not true. I have a ton of studying to do, I'm so behind.
Draco: You are not.
You: Draco, I need to study. I have been so behind because of you.
Draco: But, it's not my fault you jump my bones every time you're horny.
You: Draco!
Draco: Truth hurts, baby.


Alice has been super jumpy because the party is coming up, and fast.

Alice: Can you believe that my months of planning are going to finally pay off!?
Blaise: No we can't because you haven't told us a million times.
You: Yeah, you haven't shut up about it.
Alice: Fine, I'll shut up. But, you both love me and you know it.
Blaise: I can't deny that.
You: I can't either.


Now, here you are, sitting in the classroom, five minutes left of the OWLs exam and then school is out. The party is tonight and you can see your parents tomorrow. You bounce your leg anxiously as you stare at the two final questions. You scan through the memorized notes in your brain for the answer and attempt to focus. The clock ticking away the seconds of the exam mock you, as everyone else around has finished.

"Think, Ana, think. You got this. Relax," you remind yourself.

Your startled by a piece of paper, shaped like a dove, as it lands on your exam. You look up at everyone but they are all twisting their quills and staring up at the ceiling. You feel someone kick your heel, causing you to quickly turn around to see Alice. You glare at her and she motions toward the right. You turn and see Draco's smirk as he stares out the front window. You roll your eyes and look at the paper, which reveals two written sentences on it. You gasp.

"The answers!"

You quickly look up at him to see his eyes are on you. You mouth 'thank you' causing him to smile. He taps his wrist, telling you to hurry up. You nod and quickly turn to your exam to write down the final answers. Just as you finish writing the clock strikes three and the big bell begins to ring. Everyone jumps up in excitement and runs out of the room to get to their summer. You jump up and hug Alice before you both begin to jump up and down like a bunch of three year olds on Christmas.

Alice: Party time!
Draco: Does this mean we can finally stop hearing about this damn thing?

You wack his chest with the back of your hand as Blaise kisses Alice on the cheek. Draco smirks at you, causing your cheeks to flush.

Alice: Okay, we should probably finish setting up before the party.
You: Good idea.

You all walk out but Draco pulls you back, letting Alice and Blaise get a head start. He pushes you up against the wall, his hands on either side of your head so you can't move.

Draco: Did you finish?
You: Excuse me?

Draco snickers.

Draco: Your exam?
You: Oh. Yes, thanks to you.
Draco: It was my pleasure. After all, it was my fault you didn't finish studying last night.

You smile and wrap your hand around his green tie, pulling him to you.

You: It was your fault.
Draco: I couldn't help myself.

You smile as he leans down and kisses you. He groans as he pulls away.

Draco: We should go before something bad happens.

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