Chapter 22

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It had been a few days since Maxon had sent everyone home. I didn't really miss any one per say but I did miss the noise they brought. The palace was so quiet now. The meals, even more so.

Maxon and I were outside in the gardens, looking up at the stars. He had come to my room about half an hour ago with a blanket in hand, asking if I'd like to look at the stars with him. My heart had melted when he had asked that. I knew that the mate bond was strong when it came to feelings but I never thought it would be like this. I don't know when he managed to worm his way into my heart but he did and I wouldn't change it for anything.

"Do you know when was the last time I looked at the stars for fun?" Maxon's voice cut through my thoughts. I turned my head to look at him, my hand interlaced with his. "I don't know, when was the last time?" I asked. His eyes didn't stray from the sky. "I think it might have been a few years ago when I was studying them."

I looked at him shocked, "When was the last time you looked at them for fun?" He let out a laugh at that. "America, I don't have time to look at them for fun. The only reason I do now is because my father has taken some of my usual workload so I could focus more on the Selection." I didn't really know what to say to that.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound snappy." I nodded my head but didn't respond. "Tell me something about yourself, anything at all," Maxon said, almost whispering. I didn't know what to tell him. "I don't know what to say so why don't you ask me questions and I'll answer them." He nodded and reached over to pull me closer to him so that our arms were touching. "What is your favorite color?" I let out a laugh at that.

"I thought that was obvious." He gave me a look. "It's blue," I said. "Really any shade of it is fine. What's yours?" He looked at me for a moment before looking back up at the sky. "I don't know, I've never thought about it before."

"Pick one, right off the top of your head," I said, not really understanding how someone could not have a favorite color. "Umm, yellow." I nodded, satisfied with his answer. "Who gave you that bird necklace you always wear?" I thought back to that birthday. Dad had been working extra hard that month. I hadn't understood why until he gave it to me. "My dad gave it to me for one of my birthday's. I miss him so much. I miss all of them," I suddenly confessed. Maxon turned his head to look at me, a sadness in his eyes. "My dad was my rock growing up, still is. It's so weird not having him around to talk to or to get advice from."

"What's your favorite memory of him," asked Maxon. I thought for a moment, debating if I should tell him. He's not going to turn me in for having that kind of book in my house, right? I doubt it. He wants to get to know you America, just tell him.

"I think it might have to be when I was younger and he would read to me. There was one book in particular. It was incredibly old and it talked about the United States. It might have been a history book." I looked over at Maxon to see his reaction. He had a smile on his face. "I like that memory."

"What about you," I asked. "What's your favorite memory with your dad?" He was quiet for a bit before responding. "I don't really have a favorite memory with my father. Honestly, mom's my favorite." He paused. "My favorite memory with her might have to be when she gave me my first camera. We were on a trip to France and it was my first time visiting. She saw that I had wanted to capture every moment and so she bought me one. It wasn't anything fancy like the one I have now, just a screen and a button but it meant the world to me."

I had slowly inched my head closer to his as he was telling his story. When he turned his head to look at me, we were barely a hair width apart. "Hi there," he said slightly startled but trying to cover it up. I smiled at him. "You're going to be a good king Maxon. The way you spoke just now. It shows that you care and that you pay attention." He was at a loss for words. He turned to face the stars again and so did I.

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