Chapter 19

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Happy Thursday ya'll, enjoy!

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I went to see Mom first. She needed to know I was alright. I had dropped America off at her room before making my way to the third floor. It was as destroyed as the second floor. Something tugged at my heart. As many attacks as I've been through, nothing could stop the sadness of seeing my home destroyed.

Maids and butlers alike were scurrying along trying to right the palace as quickly as possible. I spotted several guards on my way to the Queen Suite, no doubt doing their last rounds of security checks. Right before I got to Mom's room, two spotted me and relief poured over their faces. "Your Majesty," the first cried out, "the prince is here." Footsteps came closer to Mom's open door then there she was, staring at me with tears about to spill from her eyes. "Maxon, honey, you're okay," she smiled and moved towards me with her arms opened. I immediately fell into her embrace and chastised myself. I was so concerned about America last night that it didn't even occur to me how Mom would react to her only child missing.

I wasn't frustrated with America or being her mate, that wasn't the problem. What was the problem was that this mate bond was changing my priorities. Yes, America was important to me but so was my mother and the other Selected, sort of.

I pulled back from the hug and let out a little laugh. "Mom, why are you crying? I'm right here." She also let out a little laugh while wiping her eyes. "I don't know, I'm just so glad you're safe." She tugged my arm, pulling me to her room. As we passed by the officers outside her room, I could have sworn one of them took a deep breathe in through their nose. I tried not to dwell on it too much. Mom dismissed the maids cleaning her room, directing us to the small table she had in the corner of her room.

Thankfully, there hadn't been much damage in her room. Just some torn up sheets and rummaged around drawers. As soon as we sat down the interrogation started.

"Maxon where were you last night? When you didn't come to the safe room and the officers insisted on closing the safe door, I didn't know what to think," she said, her voice wavering slightly. "Not only was I worried but so was your father and many of the Selected." I lowered my head in shame. She was right. I had seemingly checked out after accepting America and someone had finally noticed. Mom was the last person I ever wanted to worry. I was silent, not sure what to say.

"Are the Selected alright?" I managed to ask. She let out a sigh. "Yes Maxon, they're alright. Scared but okay." Silence descended on us as we both were lost in our thoughts. I thought about what had happened last night. I hoped none of the other Selected had encountered any rebels like America and I had. I couldn't imagine how any of them would have fared in that situation. I shuddered at the thought. Maybe it was time to narrow them down to the Elite. I had mentioned it to America when I didn't know what to say during the night of the full moon but now it may actually be necessary.

I knew I didn't have the connection I felt with America with any of them. My thoughts drifted to last night when I went to visit her but I pushed them away. Now is not the time to be having those kinds of thoughts with your mother in front of you Maxon. I liked the completeness I felt with her and the sensations her touch created in my body.

I didn't have a want to pursue a relationship with any of the others and keeping them here, giving them hope and risking their lives... I finally found the words I wanted to say. "Mom, I think it's time to narrow this down to the Elite." Her eyes found mine and there was shock in her features. "At his point I know who I want here and who I don't. And like you said, it's selfish of me to keep them here when there is no hope for a relationship to blossom between me and them, when I'm basically ignoring them." She shook her head. "Maxon that isn't what I said."

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