Chapter 60

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We were ten minutes out before I had to walk down the aisle. Last minute touches were being done to me. My veil was being adjusted, stray hairs were being secured and lipstick was being reapplied.

"Nervous?" Kenna's voice broke through my thoughts. I shook my head. "Surprisingly no. This feels right. I just can't wait to call Maxon my husband. Although, I hope I'll be a good wife." Kenna nodded and smiled. "I was the exact same way before I got married and don't be worried. I know to us werewolves marriage isn't really something we care about but I know you'll be a good wife. And a good princess. You care about the people and you want to make things better for everyone."

I had managed to keep the waterworks to a minimum but hearing my sister's words made tears come to my eyes. "Oh no," my sister said, rushing to grab a tissue. She handed it to me and I dabbed at my eyes before the tears could fall. "Thank you Kenna, for your words and the tissue. It means a lot to me."

Suddenly the doors that lead inside the church opened and Silvia walked through. "Alright everyone, places." Immediately everyone moved to their position and I didn't know if that was because people feared Silvia or because they wanted everything to go off without a hitch. Either way, I appreciated everyone's cooperation.

First it was one of Maxon's cousins as the flower girl, next Gerad as the ring bearer. Then the maid of honor with the corresponding groomsman and the rest of my bridesmaids. Finally, dad and I.

The music began and the doors were opened by two guards from the other side. The flower girl went first then everyone went until it was my turn to walk. I took in a deep breath and took my father's arm while I held my bouquet of flowers. "Please don't let me fall dad," I whispered.

"Never, kitten." I sent him an appreciative smile and then we both walked forward.

Part of me was nervous about what I would look at as I walked out. I didn't want to make eye contact with anyone in the audience and I couldn't just stare at the wall behind the altar, I didn't want to look silly because it was being broadcasted all over Illéa. But when I saw Maxon, it suddenly didn't matter. At the top of his head was a crown and as my eyes traveled down, I saw that he was wearing a sash and a few metals.

Suddenly I was standing in front of Maxon. Dad placed my hand in Maxon's and placed a kiss on my cheek. Maxon and I then moved to face the priest.

The priest started talking but I was already ignoring him by then. "I can't believe we're here, finally," I said to Maxon through our bond. A wave of love and happiness spilled through as he responded, "Me neither."


"Everyone ready?" I asked, turning around to see that all the women had gathered behind me, all buzzing with energy.

I was about to throw my flowers to see which lucky girl would be in my position soon, at least that's what would happen in theory.

As I looked at the women, I saw that they were all excited but Marlee was the only one with a determined look on her face. I smiled and turned back around. Part of me thought I could aim it in her direction but that wouldn't be very fair. I also thought of counting down to let them know but I figured that if I threw it without giving them notice, the bouquet would fall where it needed to fall.

So that's what I did. I could hear them chatting so I suddenly brought my arms down and launched back, hard enough that it would land somewhere amongst the crowd. A few seconds later, I heard sounds of disappointment and one girl making sounds of excitement. I turned around to see that it was not Marlee but my sister May.

Everyone congratulated her. They knew it wouldn't be happening soon but someday. I felt as if someone was looking at May so when I turned my head to the right, I saw Toby there. He was surveying the entire group of women but his eyes would stop on May often.

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