Chapter 58

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We were all gathered for the Report. We were five minutes away until we were live and my nerves had been steadily increasing since late in the afternoon. Everyone I was close to knew I was going to win and had accepted it because they knew the truth: that I was Maxon's soulmate. But what about the rest of the country? What if they didn't want me?

What if they were hoping for Marlee or Celeste to win? It didn't even cross my mind to worry about the public when I had my own things to worry about.

Maxon must have felt my anxiety because he appeared in front of me looking concerned. "Darling, are you alright?" I managed to nod at him before responding. "I'm just nervous. What if the citizens don't like me? What if they were hoping for someone else to win?"

Celeste was walking by when she heard our conversation and my fears. "Clearly you haven't been reading magazines. There are so many pictures of you two being lovey dovey that the public is aware of who you favor," she said towards Maxon. "And consequently, they know who is likely to not win. What I'm trying to say is that they're aware of who you might pick and they haven't said anything against it."

Celeste patted my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me before walking to where she was going to be sat for most of the Report. "See? You have nothing to worry about," said Maxon.

"Easy for you to say. You are their prince, they love you."

I looked at the floor and took deep breaths. Why didn't I try to improve my public appearance? It was too late for that now. Suddenly, Maxon's arms wrapped around me in a hug. "They will accept you, America and over time they'll get to know you better so you're not such a stranger to them. I know you're going to be an amazing princess, it'll just take time to show the rest of the country that."

I nodded and tried to smile but it was pointless. "Sixty seconds!" someone yelled in the studio. If I wasn't so pale, I'm sure the color would've drained from my face. I moved onto the stage and sat down beside Celeste on the couch that they had up there for us. Marlee sat down beside me just as the countdown started at ten seconds. "Cutting it kind of close, no?" I joked.

She let out a laugh. "Who cares? This is my last Report." I knew she was just joking but hearing her say that added a layer of sadness to my anxiety.

Gavril's voice rang out across the studio as he began his introduction. I sat there keeping my smile on but I had him tuned out. I saw the king move from his seat to walk on stage. He must have been giving announcements.

When the king walked off, I knew that was my cue to start listening again. Gavril introduced Maxon and took a step back once again. Maxon moved behind the podium to start his speech. "Good evening Illéa, as you can see we have one lady missing tonight but that is because I have a very special announcement to make this evening. The Selection is coming to an end and I am picking the winner tonight." The live audience let out some gasps and excited noises.

I hope they're still excited when he announces that it's me. I could feel Tempest roll her eyes. Sometimes your insecurities are exhausting. Everything will be fine. I ignored her comment.

Maxon turned to us. "Before I pick the winner, I just want to say to you three that it was an honor to get to know you ladies and to the women that I don't pick, I hope we can move forward as friends."

"Lady Celeste," Maxon paused for theatrical reasons. "Lady Marlee, if you'd please?" They both stood up and walked off the stage like they had rehearsed so it was just Maxon and I. I heard more gasps come from the audience but I tried not to pay them any mind.

Maxon walked up to me and kneeled on one foot and he took my hand. "America, since day one I knew there was something special about you. In truth it wasn't really fair to the other girls because from very early on in the Selection, I knew that I wanted to marry you, it was just a matter of getting from there to here." Maxon lowered his voice as he continued so that the camera couldn't hear. "I love you America. If someone would've told me that a she-wolf would've come into my life and completely changed everything, I wouldn't have believed them.

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