Chapter 15

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A few days had passed since the full moon and I hadn't had many chances to talk to America. Father had kept me in meetings for hours and then, afterwards, he'd give me mountains of paperwork and documents to read through. I didn't understand why he did that. In meetings my opinion was rarely heard so why would he give me paperwork where I write down what I think needs to be done. Even at meals, I had papers next to my plate. Sometimes I could feel America looking at me but I could barely give her a glance. I just wanted to get it over and done with.

I hadn't touched that diary since the day I discovered it. I didn't have the time, although I was considering reading it out loud to America. She deserved a glimpse of the past as well. She did say that a lot about werewolves was lost after the Chinese invaded... Today was Friday so that meant that tonight was the Report, hopefully tonight I'd get a chance to talk to America, my mate. I smiled to myself. After that night, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I could breathe again. I don't know if that was because America was no longer ignoring me or if it was something inside me that had settled because of my decision to be her mate. It could be either.

I needed to ask her more about mates. It felt like there was more than just scents and rejection. I let out a sigh and looked down at this report on the war with New Asia. I hated not knowing and with something like this, I hated it even more. I have always had a way to figure out how to get answers to my questions but with werewolves I was practically lost. I guess I could find another werewolf, America had said there were some at the palace but there was no way to figure out who was one without sounding crazy. I couldn't show erratic behavior and if I did, I had to be careful about who I was acting strangely with.

It would eventually make it back to Father that 'The prince was acting strange and saying weird things' and he could use that as an excuse to say that I'm not acting like a prince or that I was messing with the Schreave reputation or that I'm was not ready to be king. That pissed me off more than anything. I know that he's never going to give me the title and actually let me rule without his meddling hand and the fact that he has to say that I'm the reason I'll never rule like a real king is infuriating.

I would be a great ruler. And I'd have America by my side, as my queen. I hadn't really had a chance to let it sink in that I had practically proposed to America that morning. I don't know why it felt like a big deal. It sounded like being mates was for the rest of one's life so why did marriage sound so scary? Maybe it was the finality of it? Or maybe it was simply the situation I was in. That marrying me meant being elevated to a One, to taking on a whole new role with a new title. I know America could do it though. It was a gut feeling.

I looked over at the time and let out an annoyed groan. It was already 3 p.m. and I had a date with one of the Selected in thirty minutes. Tiny, I think was her name. She was alright overall. Shy, quiet, well-mannered. We could make good conversation but other than that she was absolutely unattractive to me emotionally. The bond really changed things once I had accepted it, not that I was complaining. I didn't even want to go on this date but Father had strongly encouraged me to go on a date with one of the girls. I think he may have noticed that I had taken a liking to America. God, I hope not. I don't want to imagine what he'd do to her to make me comply with his wants. I imagined him doing to her what he does to me. Taking a whip to her back and making lashes over and over again... rage and protection rose up in me as my imagination ran wild.

I would never let him lay a finger on her. I would...I would kill him whispered a dark part of me. Suddenly all the tension left my body as I realized that what I had thought was true. I was shocked. I had never thought of killing my father despite what he does to me but if he ever hurt America, I would kill him. If this is what I felt from my end, I couldn't imagine what America feels all the time.

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