Chapter 10

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She sat down on the bed and crossed her legs. "So, your questions?" she prompted. "Yes, I've got multiple." I motioned towards the bed. "Do you mind if I sit down, I have a feeling I'm going to be here for a while."

"Oh, yes, of course." I took off my suit jacket and laid it on the shoulders of her desk chair. I moved back towards her while folding my sleeves up and she moved over on the bed to give me some room. We were silent before I spoke. "You said Tempest would never hurt me, can I meet her?" She looked like she hadn't been expecting that. "Um. Okay." She paused, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I replied. She nodded her head and let out a sigh. "Alright." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. There was a shift in her body. America had been slightly slouching, probably because she was unsure of herself or how this evening would go. But now her shoulders were squared back and she seemed relaxed. Her eyes opened and I was met with brilliant yellow eyes. She gave me a smile that was genuine.

"Hi Tempest." I sounded nervous, why was I nervous? Her smile turned into a grin and she began to crawl towards me, slowly. "Hi Maxon," she replied. Her voice was similar to America's. Maybe huskier? I wasn't sure at the moment because she was getting closer and closer. My mouth was dry. "It's nice to meet you." She stopped right next to me and sat on her knees. "It's nice to meet you too. You have no idea how frustrating it was to always be held back. I wanted to meet you before this but America can be such a stick in the mud sometimes." Her hand came to my hair and began running it through, like it was no big deal. My eyes fluttered slightly at the feel of her hand and from the sensations of the tingles and sparks. That felt good.

She smiled. "Does that feel good?" I nodded. "I want nothing more than to please my mate." I didn't respond to that but I did send a small smile her way. I removed her hand gently from my hair and brought her knuckles to my lips. The sparks took my breath away and when I looked up at Tempest, her eyes were dilated and a low purring had begun in her throat. "As nice as it was to meet you Tempest, can I have America back?"

She pouted at my request. "But Maxon, she'll never let me see you again, thinks I'm too reckless." I smiled at her. "I promise I'll talk to her, this won't be the last time we talk." She put on her best smile and grabbed my hand and gently kissed my knuckles in return. I can't describe what I felt when she did that, just that I felt a rush of primal satisfaction. Christ, what has America done to me? "Then, see you later mate." The edges of my lips turned up slightly. "See you later Tempest." She closed her eyes and they were blue when she opened them again. America was back. She looked down at our hands and let go of mine.

America met my eyes and turned away, her face becoming slightly red. "I'm sorry if what she said or did made you uncomfortable. She is an animal with no filters after all." I shook my head as I said, "No, no, It's alright. It's her personality and I'm glad I met her." America smiled quietly. "So, questions?"

"Oh, yes. Um, okay, can you choose when you shift?" She nodded her head. "I can control when I want to shift but during a full moon, I have to shift and stay a werewolf until sunrise." Two questions came to my mind after she said that. First, where would they do this? They must do it in secret otherwise there would be reports of wolves roaming around every full moon. And second, next week there was going to be a full moon. What was she going to do then?

"Okay, two questions. I assume you guys don't run around outside, where did you go for full moons and what are you going to do for the full moon next week?"

"You're right, we didn't run around outside. We certainly aren't high enough on the caste system to own enough property like that. We had a small basement in the house I grew up in. My parents had been werewolves long enough to control themselves inside the house but when they had Kenna, they realized that they needed a place for growing werewolves and newly turned ones. A place they could rough house, test their strength, and let their anger out when needed. They converted the basement into a den of sorts. Covered the wall in wooden planks so we wouldn't scratch up the walls and a metal caged door so we couldn't break through into the house.

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