Chapter 37

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I just wanted to quickly say to Supergurl120 that I saw your recommendation for Maxon's wolf's name but I already had this chapter written when you suggested it. I wanted to let you know that I wasn't ignoring you. I love reading ya'll's comments. :)

Side note, I think this is my longest chapter.


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I took a small step forward, hoping I wouldn't fall over. America came closer, seeing my intentions, and positioned herself in a way that she could get to me quickly and help. When I didn't fall, I took another step forward and then another until I had moved several feet.

I looked down at my feet in awe of the fact that I was a wolf. I had paws and a tail and a snout. A breeze picked up and brought with it so many different smells, most of which I didn't really know who they belonged to but the most prominent one was America's, I think. The smell of vanilla and lavender was coming from her and I couldn't help but let out a sigh. I walked over to America, something compelling me to, and nuzzled her. She let out a purr at the sensation and I suddenly felt something moving behind me. I stopped nuzzling America and looked behind me to see my tail moving. It was wagging. Did I not have any control over that?

I looked at my surroundings. Before I had shifted everything had been pretty dark but now I could see a lot of details that had gone unnoticed. I looked at America, her tail wagging, and I tried to tell her that I wanted to go exploring. But that was hard because neither of us could actually speak.

"Maxon?" a voice echoed in my mind. It sounded like America's voice. I became excited because I realized that she was talking to me through our minds. She must have noticed that I perked up at her voice because she said, "All you have to do is think about what you want to say and then visualize it projecting." I tried to do what she said.

"Hi," my voice boomed. She physically pulled her head back. "Not so loud," she teased. "Sorry." She gave me what must have been a smile.

She tugged me by the scruff of my neck and said, "We're not going to run but do you think you can walk?" I nodded and she began walking, leading the way. I started off slowly, careful not to trip over myself but once I got the hang of it, I was walking beside America.

"When did you find out what was happening to me?" I asked her. "After you described the hunger and pain you were feeling. I just couldn't believe that you were going to shift. I left because I needed to find Toby because he knows how to get out here undetected and I needed to do that. Not to mention you were going to need a safe way out here too but I couldn't find him. I went back to your room but when I didn't see you I figured you must have made your way outside.

"Once it became dark out, I shifted and Tempest wouldn't stop bothering me about how I needed to be with you. I knew that but it wasn't going to make me find you any faster." I focused on projecting my words and not so loudly this time. "Did your parents make it out here alright?"

"They did. They're out here somewhere chasing each other." I immediately felt a burst of happiness from America and looked over at her. She noticed and said, "I'll explain tomorrow morning." I'd say we walked around but honestly, I couldn't stop smelling everything I saw. I was amazed at everything I could smell. I didn't know what those scents were but suddenly, I felt amusement come from the bond. I looked at America and I pounced on her. She wasn't expecting it and I honestly didn't know why I did it. I just wanted to.

We playfully wrestled around before she pinned me to the ground, her mouth at my throat as a warning, but not a serious one. My tongue moved on its own and licked her right on her cheek. It caught her off guard and she moved away far enough for me to spring up and keep moving. I looked back at her, an invitation to keep moving. Her tail wagged as she followed behind me.

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