Chapter 3

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Longer chapter, enjoy :)


Today was the day. All the women would be arriving. I was told to stay on the third floor so I wouldn't accidentally bump into any of the girls since technically I was supposed to meet them tomorrow after their makeovers.

It was already late in the afternoon and I had been told that all of them had arrived. After being cooped up in my room all day, I finally left.

I found myself on the second floor when I heard to girls' voices talking. I quickly moved around the corner. "I can't believe we're here," said one. "I know, me neither. It's like a dream," responded the second. I waited until the voices and giggles faded out. I made my way back to my room, my nerves growing with every minute. All I could think about were my fears. It made my mouth dry. What if my wife revealed her true colors after our wedding? What if the women I was supposed to be with was passed over for someone else? What if I loved the woman I picked but she turned out to be a terrible ruler? I paced in my room, back and forth, back and forth. Ten paces one way and ten paces back. I needed to use my hands, take my mind of the Selection.

I cleaned my camera lens, several times. Reorganized cameras and their accessories. I read some of the documents my father had given me but was too distracted for the words to make any sense. Time seemed to pass and it was almost 9:30. I hadn't eaten all day so I made my way towards the kitchen. As I thought about my fears, I thought about what Mom had said a week ago. That everything was going to be fine. Maybe she had a point. Maybe I would meet the love of my life and that she would make an excellent queen. What if all the women were so amazing that I wouldn't know who to pick. Maybe I'll actually have fun during the Selection.

I had managed to perk myself up and was actually smiling. Yes, there were going to be 35 women here. One of them was going to be my wife and I'm going to meet her tomorrow. True I'd have to figure out who it was among them, but she was there. I had a good feeling about it. I had a pep in my step as I made my way to the first floor and was nearing the doors to the garden. Voices were growing louder as I kept walking.

"-please, I need to go outside," said a distressed voice. A girl. In front of the doors were two guards. One unsure of what to do, the other holding a near collapsed girl in his arms. "Miss, please go back to your room," responded the guard, looking more irritated as time passed. It was too dark to make out her facial features but her hair was a mix of fire and honey and she was dressed in her night gown. "Please," she gasped out. Damnit, I couldn't not help her.

"Let her go!" Both guards snapped their heads up to look at me. "Your Majesty," they both said in unison. The one with the girl in his arms spoke up. "She collapsed Your Majesty. She wanted to go outside." I looked at the girl again. Her breaths were shallow. "Open the door and let her out," I said sternly. "But Your Majesty-"

"I said open the door." My voice echoed in the empty hall. The guard with his arms free moved towards the doors with the key. Once he unlocked the door, a warm Angeles breeze blew in. As soon as the girl felt it, she was moving. In the moonlight, in her nightgown, she looked inviting. I wanted to make sure she was alright so moved to follow her but remembered the that the guards were watching her too and that bothered me. "As you were," I murmured.

She staggered through the gardens and while I couldn't see her, I could hear the soft thumps as her feet moved. She eventually stopped by a bench and started crying. Oh, why did women have such a high inclination to tears. While most woman made me confused and unsure when they cried, this one made me feel different. Like it was my job to make sure she never cried again which didn't make any sense as I didn't know her.

I figured she'd want to thank me for helping her out so I cleared my throat and spoke, "Excuse me my dear, are you alright?" Her head whipped fast in my direction but her hair was obstructing her face and the clouds were covering the moon. "I am not your dear," she hissed. I was taken aback and a little hurt at her tone, but I didn't know why. "Why are you so angry with me?" I asked confused. "Did I not give you what you asked for?"

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