Chapter 50

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It took everything in my power to leave America's room. I would have loved to have stayed with her but if I didn't finish my work, father would have surely noticed. Besides, I had a new problem I needed to take care of: who to eliminate next.

I entered my room and grabbed the girl's applications from one of my drawers. I had been eliminating the applications as I eliminated the girls and now I had four left. America, Marlee, Celeste and Elise.

I immediately removed America's from the pile and set it aside. Then I opened the other's files to look at them all at once.

In truth, none of these three girls mattered to me the way America mattered. Marlee was my mate's best friend so she had that going for her. Celeste...well I didn't know where to start with her but I'd noticed the changes in her behavior and even saw her chatting with Marlee and America at dinner so maybe they were friends? And then there was also the little fact that she was a fellow werewolf and part of me felt weird eliminating her knowing the truth.

You're going to eliminate her in the end Maxon. What does it matter if it's now or in the future? It doesn't matter but it doesn't feel right to send her home.

Who I'd really like to send home was Elise. Goddess did she get on my nerves. The last we spoke she agreed with me on practically everything, as per usual. I've tried to like her, just as a friend, but we simply do not click. That, coupled with the fact that she was my father's current favorite, made it hard to like her. At least Marlee and Celeste had minds of their own.

This was the problem. I knew who I wanted to send home but it would definitely piss my father off. Part of me didn't care but I knew that if I wanted to eliminate Elise, I'd have to do it in a way that wouldn't set off my father's short fuse.

Another problem was that as soon as it got down to three, I'd have to choose my wife from those three. My father's patience was so thin these days that I feared hitting him with the elimination of his favorite, followed by me picking his least favorite would incur his wrath in some way. I was fine if he took it out on me- Speak for yourself growled Ryder. I rolled my eyes. It was fine if he took it out on me but I couldn't even tolerate the idea that he'd hurt America in my place.

Maybe I should speak to mom about this, she would be helpful on the matter. She'd only tell you what you already know: to follow your heart and trust your instincts. And honestly, in my opinion, it doesn't matter who you eliminate. The end goal is America and if you're so worried about what your father would think then don't eliminate Elise. Pick Marlee or Celeste, that way his anger won't be as big when you pick America. In any case, I thought your father knew you were picking her. You stood up to him in his office. Shouldn't that show him that in the end you're going to do what you want and he can't stop you?

You've made some great points but you forget that my father could make my life a living hell if I go against him. Look through my memories if you must but I doubt you'll do it because you know what he's capable of. And, just a reminder, I want to rule on my own as a proper king should, not a puppet, and that won't happen if I continue to agitate my father.

Ryder let out a sigh knowing that I was right. He didn't say anything and I knew this discussion was over. I looked back down at the applications. He did make a point. If I wanted my father's anger to be controllable, I'd have to eliminate either Marlee or Celeste and the idea of either made my stomach churn. Neither of those girls deserved this. But again, Ryder's words echoed in my mind. "The end goal is America".

I hated this part of the Selection, since day one, and it was much harder to do now with four girls instead of thirty five. I let out a sigh. I needed to speak with mom.

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