Chapter 41

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I followed Nicoletta to one of the smaller tables that was set up around the room. There was no one close to the table and it made me more curious to know what she wanted to discuss.

Nicoletta was quiet for a moment, most likely trying to figure out what to say. "We have been very hesitant to reach out, to become allies with Illéa. Our people are freer than yours, yes?" I had no idea why she wanted to discuss this with me. I nodded once to agree with her but I still didn't understand where this was going.

"I know what you are America." I could feel my heartbeat race. Play dumb. Obviously I responded. "Please do not look so alarmed. I do not plan to expose you. I simply needed you to understand that I am aware of the supernatural." At this point my back was ramrod straight. I didn't say anything or move. "America, please say something."

"How?" I croaked out. She looked confused. "How do you know about me?" She nodded her head in understanding.

"In Italy, there is an old woman who lives in my palace. She has always been in service to my family for as long as I can remember. We use her... talents and wisdom when we are unsure of something." I narrowed my eyes at the word "talents" when she said it. What the hell did that mean?

"When we received the invitation from Illéa to come to the palace, we were hesitant. We had at that point rejected many invitations from the king to come to Illéa and while we had our reservations, we feared another rejection would anger him more. I went to Cassandra, the old woman, and one of her talents is prophecy or seeing into the future. She doesn't do it often since the power comes and goes with her." My thoughts were racing. Just because this woman has premonitions doesn't make her supernatural so that begs the question, what was Cassandra? The answer came to me almost immediately: witch.

I interrupted Nicoletta. "Cassandra is a witch." Nicoletta blinked then said, "Yes, she is. She is the last of her coven so she lives in the palace with us. I went to ask her what she thought I should do about Illéa's invitation when the vision hit her. She saw a girl of red hair and blue eyes winning the Selection, saw her marrying the prince and in turn making this country better for everyone.

"That is why I am here, America, because there is hope for this country. For things to get better. I would love to be Illéa's ally if it's you and Prince Maxon at the helm, not Clarkson. He is a good enough ruler to make sure the county doesn't fall apart but he makes no effort to make changes. He is comfortable on his throne while others struggle. This is true, yes?"

I blinked, unsure if she was baiting me into speaking bad about the king. But the look in her eyes told me she meant every word she said about King Clarkson. I nodded, reaffirming her belief about the head of this country. She took a few deep breaths, as if calming herself. "We did not wish to call such a man our ally. I spoke with the prince earlier and he is different from his father. He must take after his mother."

I smiled at her words because it was true. "That still doesn't explain how you know what I am," I said softer.

"Cassandra said it was a werewolf that would help make this country a good place for everyone." She paused. "Truthfully, I wasn't aware that other supernatural creatures existed before she told me, only witches."

She looked at me and smiled. "I know you don't owe me anything but I have many questions and I don't think I'll get another chance to meet a werewolf." What do you think Tempest? She didn't say anything immediately. I believe she's being sincere. You can proceed however you want but please do so with caution. Always I responded.

"I wouldn't say that. There's two more werewolves in this very room." Her eyes lit up. "Really? Who are they?" It was my turn to smile.

"I can only tell you about one of them." I looked across the room and my eyes landed on Maxon. Nicoletta followed my gaze and her eyes got wide. "You mean the prince is a werewolf? The Illéan royal family are werewolves?" I shook my head. "Only Maxon."

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