Chapter 23

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Enjoy :)

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The room had a smell to it. It was heady. America was in her bed in nothing but an extremely short nightgown. Her maids were around her trying to help but they couldn't seem to comfort America. She was panting and squirming around on her bed, her eyes screwed shut. I took three steps into the room before America opened her eyes and cried out, "Maxon!" My body reacted of its own accord, making me run to her bed and sit down next to her trembling form. "What's happening America? Talk to me," I said, concern lacing itself through my voice. Her eyes moved to her maids before returning to mine. I turned my head back to them.

"You three are dismissed." They looked at me then at America. She nodded her head. Quietly they left and I turned my head to America. She suddenly cried out and rolled on to her side, clutching her stomach. I moved further onto the bed to cradle her in my arms. Her skin was hot to the touch. "America? Please tell me what's wrong."

"Heat," she managed to mumble out. "Heat?" I parroted back to her. I've never heard of a medical condition called heat that could do this. I mentally sighed, this must be another werewolf thing that I didn't know about. "Uh huh," she whispered out. "Usually every few months, she-wolves have heat. Our bodies are overcome with this painful heat that spreads from our uterus to the rest of our bodies. It only lasts a few days." I nodded, taking in the information. Another wave of pain went through her as she curled up further on herself and let out a whimper. My heart broke seeing her like this. Help her my mind whispered. "How do I help America?" I asked, clutching her closer.

"You can't Maxon. There's only one way to temporarily stop it and we can't. Not until we're married." My mouth went dry as I realized what she was talking about. Sex. The way to help her heat was to have sex with her. A felt my cheeks heat up at the thought. "Is there any other way?" I asked.

"Please just run me a cold bath." She let out a cry. "Please hurry!" I ran to her tub, pushed down on the drain and started to fill it with cold water. I stayed in the bathroom and paced back and forth, my thoughts racing around in my head. If sex was the medicine does that mean any sexual act could help? Admittedly, the thought of doing that with America made me nervous and excited. Nervous because I have never dated any women before the Selection so I certainly didn't know how to pleasure them. What if doing that with her now put a strain on our relationship somehow?

But I was also excited because I had never done that with a woman and the teenager in me was jumping at the chance to do so and so was the man in me who was excited to do it with his future wife. Would that break any of the Selection's rules? The law said you couldn't have sex with someone outside of marriage but was pleasuring her with my hands illegal? I didn't think it was. I was getting ahead of myself. I'd need to ask America first before even getting there.

I looked down at the tub. It was almost full. I left the bathroom to go get America. She let out a gasp of pain before turning towards me. "Maxon," she whispered. "America, I'm taking you to the bathroom, okay?" She nodded. I leaned over the bed to pick her up as if she were a bride and took her to the bathroom.

Once I lowered her into the tub, she let out a hiss before settling down and letting out a sigh. "Thank you, that feels a little better." I kneeled down beside her and tried not to look at her body since the nightgown she was wearing was floating higher up her legs. We were silent as she grabbed my hand and held it. Now or never Maxon. "America, does it have to be only sex or can other...sexual acts help?" I internally winced at my wording. Can I sound any more inexperienced? She turned her head to look at me.

"I don't know. It makes sense when you say it but honestly Maxon," she paused for a moment, playing with the water, "I'm not sure I'd want to. I feel like it would take away the magic of our wedding night, if that makes any sense." She looked down at the water, her cheeks turning pink. "I know it's silly, I mean we're mates but I wouldn't want to make a decision like that when I'm not in the right mind set. Believe me it's tempting and if you had asked me when I was laying down in my bed, I might've said yes but the water is clearing my head a little."

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