Chapter 57

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Hi everyone! I am bummed to admit that I didn't get much writing done during my winter break. I didn't really relax during my break, I just worked a lot to compensate for the fact that I spent a bunch of money on presents for Christmas so any free time I had I spent sleeping or relaxing and not writing. Forgive me please! When I started this story, I always had a few chapters ready in advance (at least three) so when I couldn't write, I would not update because I didn't want to run out of backup chapters. But I'm not really sure what to do now. I don't think I'll have much time to write now that the semester has started back up again but I don't want to extend my updates into May. *sigh* I'll update y'all as things progress.


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I squeezed my eyes shut. I needed to get off of her. No matter how much I wanted to mate with America, we couldn't do this. It wasn't right. I opened my eyes and stared down at my mate. She must have seen the change in me because she let out a sigh and looked away.

I heard her mumble but she said it quietly. "What was that?" I asked. "I said get off me," she said, her voice telling me that she wasn't joking. Her brow furrowed as she shoved at my shoulders, flinging me off. I forgot how strong she was. I landed next to her but she quickly sat up and moved towards her closet.

Through the bond I could feel disappointment, sadness and anger. I got off the bed and walked into her closet. America had put on shorts and was putting a shirt on when I walked in. It looked like it was one that she had brought with her. She turned to me, her eyes slightly gold but it wasn't from lust as it had been a moment ago. It was from anger and what was worse was that there were tears in her eyes.


"Don't," she said, cutting me off. "Just don't, okay? Do you understand how much it hurts being rejected by your mate over and over again? No, of course you don't because I wouldn't deny you anything; I haven't denied you anything. Stop coming to my room at night if you're just going to stop every time I say I want you."

"Darling, I thought you understood-"

"I do understand!" Her voice was getting louder. "What I don't understand is why you keep coming here to kiss me and feel me up and then leave when I want you the most. It's like putting a piece of meat in front of a dog then moving it out of reach at the last second so it doesn't grab it. It's cruel and fucked up."

I was taken aback. Was that what she thought? That I was doing it on purpose? And feeling her up? "I don't "feel you up" as you said it and you know that," I said trying to defend myself.

"Well it fucking feels like it when that's all you come here to do. Kiss me and then leave."

We'd slowly moved back into the main part of the room during the conversation. "Just get out. I'll see you tomorrow," she said and pointed towards the door. My jaw almost dropped. Was she seriously kicking me out? A wave of pain passed through me as her words registered in my mind and Ryder let out a whimper. Fix this! When I didn't immediately react, she stomped towards the door and swung it open. I narrowed my eyes at America.

"I am not leaving until we resolve this."

She glared at me. "There's nothing left to talk about and I want to go to sleep."

"I don't care America. I'm not leaving when we're upset with each other." Her eyes flared a brighter shade of gold and stayed that way. "Upset with each other? I'm the one who's upset with you not the other way around, so don't get this confused. I didn't do anything wrong. You're the one who keeps leading me on."

"I am not leading you on!" I looked at the open door. She rolled her eyes and slammed the door shut. Brat. She sat on the edge of the bed but didn't look at me. She looked at her nails instead. I stood in front of her but she continued to look elsewhere. "I want you America, with every fiber of my being. But we can't have sex. I'm sorry that I can't give in no matter how much I want to. And I'm sorry that I made you feel like I was leading you on or feeling you up. That was not my intention." I had lowered my voice so that I wasn't practically yelling anymore.

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