my thoughts

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hi y'all! no one has to read this, it's not part of the story but it's my thoughts on this story.

so i first thought to write this when I was really into supernatural au's (not the tv show) with the fanfics I liked to read which then led me to "america and maxon fanfiction werewolves" or "america and maxon fanfiction vampires" or some shit like that. when I had found nothing it kept eating at me like, "had no really thought of this before me and decided to write about it?"

so I started thinking about this story and how it would go. I knew for the most part what I wanted. I wanted a smutty werewolf story about one of my favorite stories. unfortunately for me, I picked the story where it's illegal to have sex before marriage. in hindsight I shouldn't have written this knowing all i wanted was the smut but was going to have to write this story out and let maxon and america develop their relationship organically. the mate bond could only do so much y'all. I hope I made it believable in that department.

I also wanted an uncomplicated easy story about a werewolf and their mate because, idk, I feel like there's a lot of stories on wattpad and other platforms where there has to be conflict that make it harder for the protagonists to get together. and I wanted the woman in this scenario to be the werewolf and not the man because, again, there's a lot of those.

I want to sincerely apologize for taking a break from this story for as long as I did. I got tired of writing it and when school became too much it, it felt super easy to put a pause on writing the chapters. I could've given up on it but I knew deep down I was never going to do that because I hate when I come across a story I like and the author never finished or the story hadn't been updated in like 4 years. I won't lie, finding the motivation to write these couple of chapters was hard. 

Thank you to the people who kept commenting and asking me to update. It definitely helped motivate me.

So like I said before I got tired of writing this story. I know there were some hints in the story of things that I wanted to write about in future chapters but I got tired of writing and started looking for ways to end the story. I'm sorry if y'all were hoping for something. 

thank you to everyone who followed me along on this journey. it meant the world to me :)  

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