Chapter 16 Old Friends

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Zak and Darryl were going to come around midday, closer to the evening.

Because Zak hated getting up early, he didn't get a morning flight, and Darrel wanted to come with him, so they were planning to come a bit later than the original plan.

Mega and Jacob peacefully slept till lunchtime, as they both went to bed late last night.

The guitar really occupied the two guys for a long time, and they both remembered many great songs. 

The sun was up, it was another bright, sunny day.

Jacob stirred, and opened his eyes.

The time...

What was the time?..

Zelk checked his phone to find that it was already past twelve.

He quickly got up and went to wake Mega up as well.

The day stretched forever, Jacob and Mega just lazing around for most of the time.

mega pov

A knock on the door.

"Open the door I have no free hands!"

I groaned and walked over to the door.

"The magic word?"

"Please!" Jacob yelped, his hands full. "I'm moving in."

"You can sleep on the floor." Mega motioned towards the floor under the window.

"Wow, thanks," Jacob responded, dumping all his stuff in a pile, onto the spot Mega showed him.

Jacob settled down and got his setup up. 

It was a little cramped, but we were now roommates.

'Now I can spend even more time with Jacob...'

I was happy from the thought of it.


'We landed!' Mega read the text from Zak.

I gave him my address and he said that they will be there in about 40 minutes.

Jacob came up and looked over my shoulder.

"Ooohh so soon! This is going to be so much fun!"

I also couldn't wait till they arrived.

Zak was always so full of energy and was never boring.

And his arguments with Bad were so funny...

I got lost in thought.

Soon enough, the doorbell rang, and Mega rushed to open the door, Zelk rushing behind him.

Mega swung open the door and was greeted with an ear-splitting yell.

Darrel was standing in the background, smiling, while Zak launched himself onto Mega and then onto Jacob.

"My old frienddsss" Zak said as he hugged us one by one, finishing with Bad.

"Hello muffins," said Bad politely.

They came in, Mega helping them carry in the bags.

Soon tea was being made and Mega showed them where they were staying.

'We only have one spare room, you can both stay in, or one of you can camp on the couch.' Mega signed.

Bad knew sign language from his previous job, so he quickly understood and translated what Mega had said to Zak.

"No, no, it's ok we can both stay in one room." Zak winked at Bad.

"Oh, you muffin."

Soon their bags were upstairs, and they were all sitting around the table, drinking tea and eating muffins that Bad had bought.

They were only going to stay for a few days, as they had business to attend to.

Today was Sunday, and they were going to leave on Friday morning.

"OoOoh, I know! We should have a movie night! Or, or, or we should all go to get super sometime! How does that sound?" Zak was full of ideas for them to do and spend as much time as possible together.

"Yeah, sounds great!" Zelk was all for it. He looked around at Mega.

Mega was silent as usual, staring at a wall across him, his eyes blank.

Obviously, he was deep in thought.

Zelk wondered what was wrong and decided to let everyone go chill for a bit.

"Well, Mega and I really should be going, we have work to do."

Mega looked up, thankfulness in his gaze.

"Alright," Zak looked a bit disappointed, "Bad and I are kinda tired, we should go rest."

Once everyone departed, Zelk was ready to go talk to Mega.

He went upstairs to find him.

He wasn't in his bedroom, and he wasn't in the bathroom...


Zelk stood there thinking for a bit, and then remembered another place that existed that he forgot about. 

He climbed to the attic.

Mega was standing there, still and silent, staring out the window.

"Mega?" asked Zelk tentatively. 

Mega didn't move a muscle.

Zelk walked up to him and put his arm around Mega's shoulders.

"Memories again?"

Mega nodded slightly.

"I love you, please don't forget that." Zelk looked at Mega.



Mega looked back at me, into my eyes, his own ones filled with deep sadness and tears.

"I am here for you."

Mega wrapped his painfully thin arms around Jacob and sobbed quietly.

Jacob patted his head a bit.

They stood there alone for some time.

Jacob took his hand and lifted Mega's chin up, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong. Tell me everything. It's only you and me here."

mega pov

Maybe it was time he knew the truth.

About my mother, and my father, and my suicide attempts.

He was the right person to know everything.

I trusted him.

And it was the perfect time and place.

I opened my mouth to speak.

<Word count 927>

Cliffhanger :)))

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